Tek Jansen

That's the problem. It is far too easy to imagine a scenario where Trump tweets something like, "Nuking France. Stupid country anyway. Their wine sucks. Sad."

Spaced Out is the only one that sounds vaguely interesting based on those descriptions. The Tina Fey one might be good, but based on my experiences watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and 30 Rock I'm not sold yet. Both shows were really hit or miss for me.

I enjoyed Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

That's funny, but you're thinking of the wrong Bowser. Bowser from Sha Na Na was a dumb greaser character who sang baritone.

I used to love Bowser for some reason.

If Williams had a kid in '98 she could potentially be a grandmother.

For a few months, I was a customer service rep for my state's Affordable Care Act website. I had to get used to people younger than me having college-age children and people about my age who were semi-retired because they got their shit together at some point and invested in annuities that generated about twice what

Oh man… I used to watch Donny and Marie. And Dolly Parton's variety show. And Hee-Haw. And the Carol Burnett Show. The Muppets were better than 90 percent of the stuff my parents and grandparents let me watch.

I was around for part of the Seventies, so I vaguely remember waiting in long lines for gas and PSAs trying to get me to save electricity and stuff like that. I learned how to read early, so I followed the Iran hostage crisis coverage in the local newspaper. I used to watch those CBS news updates for kids on

When i signed it, it had about 15,000 signatures.

Thanks to the A.V. Club, I went through a short comedy podcast phase. What I learned the hard way is that I don't have much use for them unless Paul F. Tompkins is involved. But anyway, at one point a couple years back I made the mistake of admitting that I hadn't listened to any podcasts. People reacted like I

And he was pretty good as Eddie Murphy's sidekick in Metro.


The point remains that you didn't need to correct me. I never said it would force their hands. Reading comprehension is your friend.

Thanks for mansplaining how petitions work. What I meant to say was that we could make progress toward getting enough signatures. That should have been clear from the context.

Totally. He looks like the main villain from a World War II movie.

I just signed a bunch of petitions, so this may be my last post before the feds kick down my door.

I haven't seen it yet, but I made the huge tactical error of reading a spoiler-filled article about it on Comic Book Resources because I followed a link I saw on Facebook.

If only there were some way to search for information on the Internet…

Fox has a few other women who aren't white working for them. So, they can still claim to be diverse.