Tek Jansen

My mom watches Fox News obsessively, so that makes it impossible not to notice that most of the people on their shows are either attractive former lawyers or people with some kind of background in politics that somehow makes them kind of qualified to have opinions about the news. And then there's Red Eye, which is

Donald. His first name is Theodore.

As an evangelical, it really annoys me that other evangelicals aren't talking about any of the many reasons why they should find Trump problematic (you can find Bible verses to condemn how he treats women, his shady business deals, his casinos, things he said about other candidates, how fat he is, and all sorts of

Many years ago, I voted for Ralph Nader because I liked things he had to say and I couldn't bring myself to vote for Bob Dole just because he was the republican running against Bill Clinton.

Sure is cold sleeping under the bridge over by Fifth and Sherman. Did you know that I'm an ordained minister? I'll tell you all about the time I met Jeremy Renner for five dollars. Okay, make that four bucks and I'll throw in a story about that Hamilton guy. I let him pee on me for twenty dollars. Or maybe that

I might give a crap if it were Alia Shawkat playing Hamilton.

It bugs me a little that her series is more popular than my book about a happily married half-elf/half-Jewish protestant wizard who kills a bunch of vampires and dark elves. My book doesn't have time traveling vikings, but it does have parallel worlds, a Lesbian married to four other women, references to the

White people will be a minority by then if we survive the Trump administration.

Trump will bring balance to the Force by launching nukes at someone who made fun of him on Twitter. After that people will be too busy dying of cancer and killing people for their canned goods to think much about old prejudices.

IIRC, she got killed after she found out Sherlock was using her to get information on her boss.

That makes so much sense. I think I saw the same adaptation.

Mexico will pay for it.

I would much rather watch Laurie and Fiennes play Holmes and Watson.

One day at one of my old jobs, we were sitting around during a break watching the Parks and Rec pilot. This Baby Boomer guy I hated was laughing in all the right places and then all of a sudden he said something like "Why are we watching this?" and switched to Big Bang Theory. For some reason, that made him happier.

You might dig it. The comedy is more low key and more or less based around the idea of what might happen if a guy from a Seventies cop show got old and fat and still tried to do the sorts of things he got away with back when he was cool.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who found Mary's death really contrived and unnecessary. All they really had to do was have Sherlock dive out of the way instead of stand there like an idiot. Instead, they fridged Mary in about the most blatant way possible just to get to the scenes that came after with the

… which explains the popularity of so many poorly written science fiction shows…

Ironically, I agree with this even though I constantly do stuff on my laptop or play DragonSoul on my phone while watching TV.

I kind of run into this when I try to get my mom hooked on stuff I think she might like. She has a hard time following shows because she talks over too much of the dialogue, misses stuff because she gets on Facebook and tries to multi-task or both. I used to watch Numb3rs with her and it got frustrating because she