Tek Jansen

So, based on that photo, did he watch Basquiat and get inspired?

Somebody needs to start a "Donny, you're out of your element" meme.

I didn't know enough about Pence before that debate to understand why half my Facebook friends were upset that he got the nomination, but all it took was a little bit of him trying to deny that Trump said things I knew Trump really said for me to get the picture.

"Screw you fake news losers. I'll be building a tree fort with Milo Yiannopoulos and PewDiePie."

Trump makes me nostalgic for the days of Gary Hart.

… especially considering how willing they are to criticize Christianity…

Preach it. I'm tired of being told I don't get to have dissenting opinions about politics and religion just because I'm a straight white guy. I can't even complain about how much I hate being called cis-gendered.

Man, if I had a dollar for every time the Crusades came up when arguing about Christianity with atheists on the Internet I could go out and buy myself a new car.

This reminds me of how we're still supposed to be outraged because Stephen Colbert was nice to Trump one time when he was a guest on his show. Never mind that Colbert has been saying things in his monologues and on Twitter that more than atone for that one time he gently lectured his audience for booing loudly at

Well, you know. I'm mostly German and French. I can say it. It's our word.

Dude. It's crack-uh, not cracker. Crackuh please!

He used to do stand up comedy (TV specials and so forth) and he had a lot of acting credits before Politically Correct. He was in a surprisingly good film noir parody-type movie called Pizza Man about a hard boiled pizza delivery guy trying to foil an evil scheme. They used to show that one on Comedy Central.

In the clips I watched, Maher took him to task for several things, gave him a little grief about picking on Lena Dunham, chewed him out for not being more respectful to the counterintelligence guy and repeatedly told him to shut up. He also lectured him about needing to show more concern for other people's feelings.

As a white male Christian, I feel very tempted to quote Larry Wilmore right now but if I say everything I want to say I'll probably get banned.

There is a movie like that called From Straight As to XXX starring Judd Nelson and some young lady who looks like Shelley from Twin Peaks.

Have you watched the new MacGyver?

Someone could do a more diverse remake of The Breakfast Club without killing anyone's childhood, but I can't imagine anyone being a better Bender than Judd Nelson or anybody playing Principal Vernon better than Paul Gleason.

On the one hand, I like that there are more roles for people who aren't white. But on the other hand, I don't like how there are diversity quotas. If a movie or show doesn't have (at bare minimum) the gay friend and the token African American guy, people get way too uptight about it.

People who actually liked Horrible Bosses 2?

A few months back, I decided I needed to finally get around to watching Chasing Amy so I could understand why a lot of male comic book geeks used to talk about how funny and brilliant it was about twenty years ago. I had to turn it off during the part where Jason Lee was talking about why he wouldn't go down on