Tek Jansen

Here's a good overview of my state's version:

"Anyone who has ever dealt with any political zealot will know that
absolutely every response to them (including no response) will be
couched in claims that it proves that they won."

Actually, according to Washington state law that might have been self-defense.

I know it's his schtick. It just pisses me off. Like when he did a really dumb bit about not knowing what a cassette tape was at the Rob Lowe roast or when he talked about his mom (who is about 45) like she's 80 during his Comedy Central special, that shit ain't funny. "I don't know anything except Jaws because I'm

Young conservatives don't know jack either.

That's the part I don't get. People in their twenties should have picked up stuff simply because they didn't grow up isolated in bubbles. It's like using Instagram somehow makes you forget everything your parents, older siblings, and various other elders ever talked about around you when you were a kid.

Yikes. I used to work with a bunch of young people and it was like they went out of their way to not know stuff that I thought was common knowledge. It's hard to make small talk with people who don't know who Prince was or that there used to be an East Germany.

He is a walking embodiment of everything that makes me irrationally hate a lot of people under thirty.

Yes. Maybe Perkins had sound issues? I understood McKinnon just fine and I clearly heard Moana.

Yes. His stand up special on Comedy Central had maybe two funny jokes. At least Fallon can play guitar.

“Laugh it up, everybody, I don’t even know who Steve Buscemi is!”

They can have Idaho.

Well, as Stephen Colbert often said, they are godless killing machines.

Colbert has been saying things about Trump on Twitter and on television that make me surprised he isn't in Gitmo getting his ball smashed repeatedly by Steve Bannon. I dunno… maybe watch some clips or something before saying the same stuff you always say about his current show?

You can find several interviews on Youtube where the interviewer flat out asks Colbert if he is really a conservative so there were definitely people who weren't sure about his real political views.

I miss the Five Star Cinema movies from back before they started showing Silverado practically every Saturday.

Hiddleswift sounds like one of the houses from the Harry Potter books.

He showed up once in a while in the late Seventies and early Eighties.

Thor constantly got into situations where somebody with magic powers tricked him or made him look stupid, so it doesn't seem unlikely to me that some guy who was good at telling stories came up with a funny yarn about the time Thor had to dress in drag to get Mjolnir back. Thor was always kind of stupid and quick

I have some of those 1963 comics. The Horus one is pretty great because it feels like a Jack Kirby comic even though it incorporates a little more of the source material than Kirby probably would have.