Tek Jansen

Seriously? I kind of liked Tiny Furniture, but it wasn't exactly great art.

Okay. What if you think they're funny maybe thirty percent of the time? Asking for a friend.

It don't mean nothin'. No victim no crime.

No one ever is to blame.

As a mythology nerd, I find it a little problematic that they cast a black guy as the god credited with inventing slavery.

He was also great in that Columbo episode where the murder happened on a cruise ship.

You're looking at it the wrong way.


What about The Detour?

As a self-published fantasy author who made a little money off the first book in my series, I enjoyed reading these suggestions.

No, but a surprising number of people do get confused really easily by complex sentence structure and then accuse the author of bad writing because they forgot how grammar and punctuation work for a minute—leaving those of us who understood the sentence scratching our heads. So, there are some issues with reading

Well, you know, it's like Colbert said. Reality has a liberal bias.

Counterpoint: Kirkman sucks.

That was just my way of saying that I think contemporary pop and rock suck too.

I really hated the cast recording when I tried I listen to it on Spotify. And I find the whole idea of founding father rap battles really stupid. But then… I hate practically all the rap I've ever heard and I'm just marking time until white kids start liking better rock so I'm okay with whatever that says about me.

Hamlet 2.

The homeless construction worker will be played by Kate Mara.

The original is shown a lot on AMC and BBC America, so maybe they assume people would know it from TV?

I have heard far worse performances from several bands Modell likes, so his reaction shots kind of pissed me off.

I watched the pilot and I couldn't decide if it was just a rip off of Gattaca or basically what you would get if someone tried to do Daybreakers without vampires. Either way, it seemed like they owed a huge debt to Ethan Hawke.