Tek Jansen

I never found anything about Barney appealing or entertaining, so that made watching the show really hard for me sometimes.

The Office is the first one that comes to mind for me. I can and do rewatch all sorts of things, but I was just done with the show after that great finale. I went from obsessively watching syndicated reruns whenever I could to not being able to enjoy the show as much after I saw the end.

I grew up watching the original BSG. I didn't know about the Mormon stuff until later, but yeah… I definitely prefer the original's approach where Apollo and Athena just had those names without any explanation over "the humans worship Greek gods and the Cylons are Sufi Muslim or something" stuff from the reboot.

It was originally a completely unrelated show, so the different tone and pacing may have something to do with that (pro tip: it's better with the original dialogue, watch those on Amazon Prime and you'll see what I mean).

I went through a phase where I didn't have cable, so my viewing options were limited. I watched some HIMYM episodes (both new ones and syndicated reruns that were shown out of order) either because I was trying to understand why people here liked it so much or because nothing else was on. There were several times

The A.V. Club

As a mythology nerd, it really bothered me that eighty zillion years ago they worshiped the most recognizable versions of the Olympian gods and not the Titans or the rat demon version of Apollo or something. And that their scriptures were clearly written to sound like the Old Testament when, other than Moore's stupid

… And it seems to me you need to buy a shotgun and flee to Canada, learn metrics and lie on your resume to get a job somewhere. Your friends voted for Jill Stein and now you're screwed. Stock up on bottled water and canned food. I could have told ya what would happen after your mom wrote in that vote for Cruz.

They have a land line.

I kind of get what you mean. He doesn't seem like an American so much as just… grumpy Hugh Laurie. He does a much better job of passing for a yank on Veep.

Supposedly, getting mugged turned him into a republican. Surviving cancer seemed to contribute as well by making him more like a Dark Knight Returns character. He got crankier.

A Ronin adaptation would be pretty sweet.

Speaking of High-Rise… What did they cut from the book that would explain why everyone who had money didn't just move?

People of Earth has its moments.

Agreed. I shouldn't feel completely lost because I missed an episode of that goofy show where all the Republicans are being controlled by evil alien bugs.

He wasn't the first, but he's arguably better than earlier characters like Black Lightning (crime fighting inner city school teacher who spoke jive when in costume to help hide his identity and wore an afro wig as part of his costume).

Katharine Hepburn, actually.

BBC America shows it sometimes.

Viggo Mortensen impression.

I hate Hugh Laurie's House accent. He sounds like a space creature trying to pass for human. So, I got to be that guy whenever somebody would act shocked after they found out he's a Brit. I would often be like, "You never watched Blackadder on PBS? How is this news to you?"