Tek Jansen

I've had people who live half an hour away from the neighborhood I grew up in ask me where I'm from.

It sounds like being more faithful to the source material with the longer train and everything could kind of work as a show.

The sad part for me is that if they ever do, people who don't know any better will complain about how it's just Game of Thrones with elves.

What I learned today: don't watch YouTube clips after Perkins spoiled the only funny parts. Also, Pete Davidson is still not funny.

You didn't figure that out from the debate where he kept denying that Trump said things everybody knows he said? I couldn't watch for long because it was clear he heard a lot of things for the first time at that debate.

Well, there were all sorts of factors. For example, according to pundits on Fox News (I got stuck watching one of their shows with my mom) Hillary lost a lot of votes in areas that still rely on coal after she said she wanted to end coal mining as part of her environmental initiatives. That caused a lot of people in

On the one hand, Cruz would be terrible because he honestly thought getting rid of the IRS would somehow magically fix most of the things he sees as problems in our country and he would keep doing bad impressions in feeble attempts to be more likeable.

Miserable? More like mildly annoyed. Why don't you go away until you outgrow this vintage Nineties comic book message board bullshit and learn how to have an adult conversation?

What are you going to do? Watch "The Idubbbz Leafy Cop Response" and tell all the poseurs you play video games with how you schooled some old dude?

He shaved his head in the movie because he decided he was too old for that haircut and apparently that was the only way he could deal with it.

Yes, indeed. He spent part of every episode moaning about how her casting decisions and rewrites ruined his beautiful words. He also kept talking about how awesome he thought Dawson was and how much he loved everything Rabin hated.

Whinging? If you're not British, that's super pretentious.

Young people are the worst. When I was her age, I was interested in all sorts of things that came out before my time. People in their twenties now act like they can't accept the idea that there was pop culture before 2007.

I was obsessed with The Chair too. I enjoyed Hollidaysburg (the other movie based on the script) more than I thought I would. I made it through about twenty minutes of Not Cool before I had to turn it off.

The Japanese title came from Jonathan Swift, who deliberately named his floating island "the hooker" in Spanish.

How exactly would they do it from outside the wall?

Negan and his guys don't strike me as being tougher than the Wolves, so I really don't understand why they weren't able to whack those losers and rescue Daryl. I would have loved it if Carl killed the guys who took their medicine and shot Negan. The fallout from that would have been more entertaining to me.

I should have stuck with my boycott. I watched the one with King Ezekiel and it was entertaining, so I watched the next two. And, well…

The Dresden Files comics threw me because Harry doesn't look like the square jawed fellow with the hat on the book covers. Then I belatedly realized that was because the artists drew him the way he is actually described by Butcher. So, in the comics he basically looks like Peter Parker in a duster. Now I get why

Butcher is from the south, so he might object to being called a Yankee. If you want to read a book by a Yankee with a bad vocabulary, you could always check out my book "Crosses and Runes."