Tek Jansen

You must not have to share a house with an obsessive Fox News junkie.

You mean… Democrats don't eat babies for the stem cells? And they don't want to take all my money and give it to the Mexicans? But Hannity says you're all secret Muslim, terrorist enabling, surrender monkeys who hate America. I must take a moment to ponder these things.

They need to recruit T. J Miller to be their wingman. I wouldn't be surprised to find out he knows enough krav maga to get out of a jam. And, worse case scenario, Miller would take the beating while they run away.

I did a little bit when I didn't have cable. Those are hours of my life I'll never get back.

He'll use the profits from those mentoring retreats where he teaches sons of single mothers how to act more like Steve Harvey.

His show was only on for five years? Why does it feel more like twenty?

Why couldn't those scumbags go after Jonah Ray instead?

And she knows 500 digits of pi.

You are correct.

She was saying that he could have talked to her about it privately instead of criticizing the show on TV.

I really hate being reminded that A.V. Clubbers' attitudes about guys with long hair are straight out of the 1950s.

I don't see a problem either.

I was just making a dumb Sherlock reference.

To be fair, people in Dubya's administration knew Saddam had chemical weapons because they sold them to him so he could kill more Iranians for Reagan. I guess they just assumed he didn't use them all on his own people.

So… Who's playing Umar and Clea? Martin Freeman?

He can't play drums any more because he rocked too hard for too many years. I know. I've heard his solo hits too.

I think they need to leave Schumer alone and go after the most heinous of cultural appropriation villains… wiggers.

I'm an evangelical Christian. Usually, I try to keep it to myself because of all the Hitchens-loving atheists around here. Every so often I gotta let my freak flag fly.


Exactly. It's a slippery slope. At some point, you're not really a Christian any more. You're just somebody who likes going to a church where a guy who kind of resembles old Roman pictures of Jupiter is nailed to a cross.