Tek Jansen

Catholics have a whole lot of syncretistic pagan stuff that isn't in the Bible, graven images, praying to dead people to try to get favors they can't just ask God for, the idea that the Apostles are sort of like a pantheon of minor deities, a stubborn insistence that protestants are all going to hell because they

Remember them? They put on a couple of shows at my church.

Chick was very anti-Catholic. That may have something to do with it.

Seasons five and six were so frustrating.

Glenn, Denise, Noah, Deanna, Jessie… Do I need to keep going?

The comic makes steps in that direction, apparently. If they keep sticking to the source material, they're going to have at least three thriving communities… at least for a while.

So… Basically Glenn died because that's how he died in the comic. I think I'm done watching this show. Last season, I got tired of seeing characters I liked die just because "no one is safe" and/or they're dead in the source material.

I work with one of those. He's a lot more fun when he sticks to showing off his mediocre artwork.

Hanks really sold me on the character with his facial expressions.

I probably enjoyed that more than you did, but for me it was about four minutes of fun and five and a half minutes of being glad I didn't pay to see the movie at a theater.

As an author who used to write for a content farm for what amounted to beer money, you don't author Internet articles, you create content (which is just a fancy way of saying "write a summary of stuff you found with Google").

A shitty western that was also a shitty rip off of the cartoon Outlaw Star (and made some people think he was doing a shitty rip off of Cowboy Bebop) with Castle doing a really shitty Han Solo impression.

… and she would have had a bunch of dorky, mostly useless friends who made a bunch of cheesy pop culture references. And they would have been the best actors ever. And she would have fallen in love with two different vampires. And there would have been a character who swore in Portugese. And somebody would have

Are you going to post this unnecessary explanation 73 times?

That makes sense. When I read the books (when they first hit my local library shortly after they were released) I pictured a Sylvester McCoy-type guy.

On the left side of the panel her hair is clearly brown (I checked it on two different screens to confirm my earlier results). On the right side where her head is superimposed on Superman's cape, I see brown with a very slight hint of red (sort of like how I occasionally look like I have reddish highlights when the

… where she clearly has brown hair?

Lana Lang had red hair. Lois has always had brown or black hair (usually brown, but they changed it to black at one point because of the Dini Superman cartoon).

It's "they screw you at the drive through." The internal rhyme is important.

Like a Pinterest board, but you cut pictures out of magazines and use felt and stuff if you feel like being fancy. Women make them so they can have pictures of things they aspire to on their refrigerators.