Tek Jansen

I think he turned fifty in the first movie. But anyway… He was basically the straight man who kept getting pissed off at his wacky partner's antics (he wasn't like that all the time, but a certain percentage of his time was spent either being mad at Riggs or begging him not to do something). I'm thinking either Pam

Murtaugh's defining trait is being "too old for this shit." I'm thinking of more of a Pam Grier type. Is Pam Grier still making movies?

Yes to Gina Carano, no to Leslie Jones.

I liked that time travel movie a lot more than Guardians of the Galaxy.

Gizmodo ran an article saying Bone is evil because he should have asked a tougher question. That just made me feel stupid for reading a Gizmodo article.

Well, at least one good thing should come out of all this talk of whitewashing and appropriation. White guys who consider themselves experts on Nineties hip hop won't be able to talk about it any more.

Admittedly, the speakers in my laptop suck… But I had to tap out after trying to listen to three of the tracks from the cast recording album. I'm not in a big hurry to try to get through it again.

I remember seeing reruns with the original cast as a young child. I was born in '73.

Some of his song parodies were fun. And I liked his Jared character (spelling? the guy with the webcam show). Otherwise? No.

As a white man, I feel like listening to rap would be cultural appropriation.

Seriously. The lack of black bad guys probably would have been considered progress thirty years ago.

I love Running Scared. Not only was Billy Crystal great, but Gregory Hines was a surprisingly credible action hero as well. Not bad for a dancer.

When I was younger, I could have listed more. For now, I will go with:

I was thoroughly skeeved out by both the offer and how enthusiastic the protagonist was about it. I know I have no room to talk as a straight white guy but it seemed really sexist and gross in a way that seemed much worse than Sean Connery spanking women and telling them to go away while the men talk.

She's my favorite character.

Maybe it's because I'm old, but I had no idea why they didn't like Jason's track. To me, it was better than the other stuff. Is that the joke?

It is no fun listening to a broken record. Did the Ghost of Easy E coach you on how to debate people?

Somebody really needs to watch Plato's Children. At least up to the part where Kirk tells Alexander what earth is like in the future.

I watched the pilot of the RDA MacGyver for the first time because of this comment thread, basically. It wasn't too bad.

I am irrationally but deeply attracted to Missy and that just makes me wish she could be on Doctor Who more often.