Tek Jansen

The Philistines were a group of people living in the promised land before the ancient Hebrews conquered it. They were better artisans and better at making stuff out of iron.

At first, it seems like he just fantasizes about shooting the guy but won't actually do it. Then there's something about finding a new girl so he can forget his ex. But then he goes right back to threatening the dude with his new handgun. And this is a friendly singalong tune in group settings? What do they do as

Good review made better would if copy editor something did about missing and out of order words. This was hard to read because of the rushed first draft vibe.

Is your sarcasm detector broken?

Thanks for giving me permission to have different taste than you.

I'm sorry. That was not my intention

I really like that secret society angle. Now I wish that had been in the prequels.

I think there's a fair amount of truth to that. Being a Star Wars fan in the late Seventies/early eighties was crazy. All the attempts to cash in, the trading cards, the completely made up trivia "facts" on Happy Meals…

I think for those of us who were in our twenties or thirties when Phantom Menace came out, hating the prequels is the most logical response. We grew up with the Kenner action figures and the original version of Episode IV and everything expecting the Clone Wars to be the coolest thing ever in our lives and we got…

I'm okay with that.

You might want to sit down for this one, but I have only seen about seven Mad Men episodes and I don't remember him from any of them. I didn't like Mad Men enough to stick with it. It probably didn't help that most of the episodes I saw were like, "this week… Don's marriage is still falling apart and his wife is

My personal theory is that DC jumped the shark when Dan DiDio replaced Paul Levitz, so you missed out on maybe two years'' worth of good stuff before it all went to crap.

I liked everyone else on the show more than I expected to, but Damon Wayans asking for blowjobs wasn't an acceptable replacement for Danny Glover to me.

Reboot, complete with unnecessary explanations for things just like Hawaii-50.

The new Night Stalker was terrible. The ongoing conspiracy annoyed me and, well, when I was a reporter for a while I sure didn't get two plucky interns who did most of my work for me.

Based on the pilot, I won't keep watching the show. The tone, the pacing, the dialogue and MINO (MacGyver in Name Only) don't work for me.

Actually, the boss lady Patricia Thornton is in the Pete Thornton role. The last name kind of gives that away.

The white rapper character encouraged me to go with my gut and stop watching the show even though it has one of the animal control guys from Parks and Rec, the cool lawyer from Silicon Valley and a Kid in the Hall.

I was pushing thirty, but still in college when "Santeria" became one of those songs I couldn't get away from. A couple of my friends at the campus paper sang it all the time and it contributed to my sense that I was better off listening to my CDs than paying attention to what the damn kids liked.

The dubstep thing was a weak joke. Otherwise, I was being serious.