Tek Jansen

I can say that. Not having much use for rap helps a lot.

Wait a minute. Martin named his fictional world Planetos? And people let him get away with that lazy crap?

I had things I should have been doing. Instead, I watched an episode of some show where May puts things back together after they've been taken apart. He spent about six hours figuring out how to assemble a Japanese Stratocaster copy and they edited it down to about an hour. Since I play a little, I found it utterly

Agreed. It's really annoying, though, when the star is somebody like Michael Fassbender or James McAvoy. We've heard of those guys.

Seconded about Doctor Who. They used to show Tom Baker episodes. Why couldn't they do that again? They could take up huge chunks of time by showing complete stories instead of Mad Max or whatever.

I got hooked on Top Gear shortly before Clarkson punched that guy, and the way BBC America took out whole segments from the reruns was pretty annoying sometimes. They would cut stuff that was listed in the little Xfinity synopsis for the onscreen program guide, causing me to get disappointed.

Isn't Marina Sirtis British as well? Still, really weak sauce. I hate the way it's on BBC America about nine thousand times a week. When they aren't showing the Matrix trilogy for no particular reason.

I'm a little freaked out by her fretless banjo. I'll bet Bela Fleck will try that next (in addition to electric, nylon string, slide and whatever else he has tried).

Actually, here are the real winners:

The banjo is an African instrument.

I don't even own a Saturday Night Live.

Actually, it's worse than that. Hanks is playing James May in an adaptation of that Top Gear episode where they converted a van into a hovercraft.

25 year olds suck and need to start appreciating cool old stuff.

Male heterosexual here. I have mixed feelings about Louie (I love some episodes, hate others, haven't seen a bunch of 'em). I love Better Things. I am utterly fascinated by Sam and want to see more.

Eventually, she became able to shoot lasers and force beams. But yeah… Initially all she could do was turn sound into light. Sometimes she managed to hypnotize people with her light shows.

I was briefly an AT&T customer service rep. During training, I talked to a few people who were offered good deals on their upgrades. By the time I got out of training, the rules had changed. It was so much fun talking to people who assumed the phone they wanted would be practically free. In some cases, the sense

My HTC One died like a dog about five weeks ago. I was irrationally attached to that phone. Maybe it was because it was my first actual smart phone, but a lot of it had to do with the funky blue color and liking how it looked with the beveled edges and everything.

I should have scrolled down before making basically the same point up above.

And then you have to buy a special protective case to keep you from dropping it or accidentally bending it and the case will make it seem thicker anyway.

Apple, you went full retard.