Tek Jansen

Obviously not.

Food is pop culture? My boycott of Supper Club officially starts now.

Congratulations. You are the worst person who posts here.

It's like Ross lost most of his ability to be funny when he started shaving his head.

You literally sound like Hitler right now.

… and that matters why exactly? And better how? In terms of her politics?

The week that Timothy Olyphant first showed up on The Grinder?

And he actually knew David Spade and Jewel from working with them. So, there we go.

I think that was a Jeffrey Ross quote. But I get what you're saying.

Exactly. She does try to be funny. She even tried being on a right wing version of The Daily Show with Rush Limbaugh. So, I thought she would have been funnier than that.

I guess Rob Lowe is a conservative. He shows up occasionally on Fox News shows and he was just in a movie based on a Bill O'Reilly book.

Her views on immigration are very un-Dude. Otherwise, it wouldn't be.

She used to do a comedy show on Fox News with Rush Limbaugh. I'm really glad now that I never watched it.

They should try to get Rachel Weisz to play the next Bond girl. That might get him interested.

Weren't one or two of the Bond short stories nothing but Casino Royale rehashes where he spent the whole time gambling? Anyway, they totally could do a movie where Bond literally does nothing except play cards in a casino. It wouldn't be fun to watch, but they could do it.

You're right. I should have expected it.

No, Idris Elba doesn't need to play Bond. And since the Broccolis want somebody younger than Craig the Internet might as well move on to saying Donald Glover should be the next Bond.

I agree about Clue. I also feel really old now because I kind of remember when Clue was in theaters.

"I brought you to this special place, so now you have to suck my penis." isn't exactly the most romantic way of going about getting laid. Depending on how the woman reacts, that's downright gross and wrong.

On this week's Barsanti Brunch: Barsanti tries to be like O'Neal, fails miserably and consoles himself with thirteen mimosas. Then he remembers mimosas have juice in them as he pukes in a public restroom.