Tek Jansen

I called him a rape apologist and said he isn't funny. How do you get fanboy out of that?

That's what I was trying to get at. Thanks for saying it better than me.

I saw a truly annoying amount of commercials for the show (usually when watching Preacher), so how did you manage that?

I got curious about the Lena Dunham controversy, so I read ONE HuffPo article. I hadn't paid attention to them for about two years before that. And I hardly ever read their stuff before the last time I went there in 2014 (the side boob page and their religion writers did a lot to help me realize I was happier not

What should I be doing instead? Proving I'm one of the good ones by getting mad at Amy Schumer because she wasn't harsh enough in her judgment of unfunny comedian/rape apologist Kurt Metzger?

Interesting. I was thinking more along the lines of Maggie Q, but she would make a better sexy killer Vicki.

Dunham gets in trouble for somehow exploiting sexual stereotypes about African American men. Then Flying Lotus goes and says something that lives down to the same stereotype by talking about sex in an arguably sexist way (some women aren't into giving blow jobs, just for example, and might find it offensive) and

To me it seems really tacky. Giving head by a waterfall might be better, but Flylo was describing porn-type sex (possibly with more than one of his ladies) not anything even slightly romantic.

So… Lena Dunham is treated like a Nazi for saying a good looking guy wasn't into her and yet Flying Lotus can get away with telling somebody to get a b.j. by a waterfall? Where is the outraged HuffPo article for that one, huh?

Seconded. I fail to see what is so awful about what she said, which basically boiled down to feeling like she wasn't hot enough to have a chance with the guy. Methinks Twitter users doth protest too much.

Sure. Any suggestions for who should play Vicki?

V.I.C.K.I., the Voice Interface Cybernetic Killer and Infiltrator was originally created by a mad scientist for the military in 1964, but Lyndon Johnson refused to approve funding for the project. Her "father", the infamous Dr. Brindle, used her as a sex slave until Vicki killed him in 1995. Vicki then placed

They better cast Beth Riesgraf as Twist.

I just bought a newer HTC to replace my HTC One after it died a pathetic death during my first trip away from home in about five years. It is allegedly really cool because it is thinner than my old phone and it kind of looks like an iPhone. Only, it's too thin so it's uncomfortable to hold in your hand for more

Well, somebody at FXX thinks that showing several episodes of Mad About You in a row every morning is a good idea. There are people out there who like the show.

Remind me to not hire Drew, Dank Meme or Liberal Sex Dog to DJ.

That sounds about right, except that we didn't think about white privilege at all back then. That was before whoever started writing about that stuff got the ball rolling on trying to make white guys feel guilty simply for existing.

I gave up on Daredevil right around the time Murdock met Rosario Dawson's character because it felt decompressed to a ridiculous degree. It took them forever to finally start talking about Daredevil's powers and it seemed like they could have cut out a lot of the "Matt and Foggy sit around in the dark and drink

Bad guy: This is a big fuckin' gun.

Great interview. I would have liked more questions about Numb3rs, but such is life. And maybe something about the blind guy he played on Raising Hope. Like, did he just need the work or did he have a good time with it?