Tek Jansen

I don't have much use for Chris Tucker's character personally, but I dunno… People like them. The third one was better than I expected it to be. They have enough of Jackie doing his thing to get the job done.

Pretty much anything where he doesn't have a white person playing his sidekick is well worth watching. And even stuff like The Medallion or The Tuxedo is fun enough to justify the use of your time.

That kid's principal works for Fox News now?

Hear hear. Gutfeld, Megyn Kelly, Katherine Timpf, and Dana Perino are all capable of being funny, insightful, and expressing opinions that are different from the usual "Trump good/Hillary bad/buy gold/hate African Americans" Fox News rhetoric. Not everybody who works there is as bad as Hannity.

I never liked them or Metallica. So I've had to listen to people try to wrap their heads around that for my whole adult life.

"I think Michael Myers is in the basement."

I really enjoyed reading this article. Project A is really fun and the reasons for that are covered pretty well.

Absolutely. Fred Ward also somehow manages to make being a bad ass knife fighter pretty funny. In reality, I'd need new pants if Remo Williams popped up from nowhere and stuck a Ka-Bar against my throat. But when he totally schools Patrick Swayze it makes me laugh.

I'm terrible. The last time I watched Octopussy I mostly just kept thinking about how a cell phone would have made Bond's life a lot easier.

The first one is better than the second one, but they're both really fun.

I love the training sequences. The simple gimmick of having to use crappier gear for the actual mission maintains dramatic tension in spite of seeing them do everything twice.

… meanwhile, I got my first user name deleted back in the day for arguing about religion with some of the local atheists. I made the mistake of being pro-Christianity and being mildly obnoxious about it (but not more obnoxious than the people who did things like blaming me personally for every atrocity ever

Make that two.

He isn't impervious to bullets. His deal is that he's been shot so often he built up a degree of resistance. At one point, he gets shot in the lung. The bullet goes through and through but he doesn't feel anything. One of the other Kellys (one of his Aborigine relatives) notices an odd whistling sound. It's air

You look like Stalin, so I say you're Stalin!

Plus, there were all the times he acted weirder or developed a new personality or something because he got hit in the head hard enough to be hurt by it. He spent most of one episode convinced he was a middle aged lady and insisted on being called the Duchess.

Not really. She was just sort of there with a mean look on her face. They didn't include her origin and I don't think she ate anybody.


Darn straight. They took a ton of material directly from the comics.

That would be perfect.