Tek Jansen

Why does this guy like the Warburton series so much?

I guess I'm just a sucker for John Woo's action choreography. The talky parts make me understand why you feel that way, but there are some neat gun fights, some nice fake kung fu, a gun fight on motorcycles, and all sorts of unnecessary slow motion shots that appeal to my inner child. I just watched the movie again

That already started.

Getting with the times usually ruins whatever people liked about a network in the first place.

Cruise is allegedly a giant dick to low-level scientologists who get stuck doing all the food service and stuff.

They did not watch their buddies die face down in the muck so the hot chick from Drive Angry could donate seven million dollars to a bunch of needy orphans.

As a Spokanite who once interviewed Rachel Dolezal for a newspaper when she was still a blond white woman, this made me laugh out loud for real. Thanks.

He did that once in a What If comic and it was awesome.

I haven't seen the movie, so keep that in mind. Just looking at the cast info on Wikipedia, she is onto something there with the underwhelming team roster.

About five minutes after somebody finally fires Johns and Dan DiDio.

The last time I read one of his Green Lantern comics, three Zamarons were trying their darnedest to seduce Hal Jordan. Which seemed really weird to me because the Zamarons were originally female Oans who looked like Caucasian women and had some kind of matriarchal feminist thing going on (so why would they want

Johns has been promising that things would get less dark at some vague point in the future for, like, thirteen years now. I don't know why anybody believes anything he says.

I do not like Spider-Man 2. I should probably just leave it at that.

So… respect for women is sexist now? I will never understand millennials.

It's sexist to not shoot women? This confuses me.

Honestly, I think Andrew Garfield is a far better Spider-Man than Tobey Maguire. So, I enjoyed parts of the Amazing movies even though I had issues with the writing and the plots.

Do you really want to die on that hill? The book has mass produced test tube babies, some high tech stuff, eugenics, plenty of social commentary, a dystopia extrapolated from then current social trends… The book is more SF than some of H.G. Wells' stuff.

The sexism is a feature, not a bug, in the minds of whoever runs things. There are no female Alphas. Beta women wear birth control utility belts and are conditioned to be compatible mates for the Alphas. This is clearly satirical, but I'll bet it doesn't make it into the show because young people would have a hard

SyFy already adapted Brave New World once and it was horrible.

I was fine, I'm part dalek on my father's side, so I can make it through a few episodes without binging on Mountain Dew and Cheetos.