Tek Jansen

I can't wait for 2011 week and trying to justify how this site went from being the funky place with the cool movie reviews and funny Alan Moore interviews to a bunch of people whining because they didn't like the hat Maria Bello wore in her remake of Prime Suspect, people whining because every episode of Parks and


I could have gone out yesterday to a yearly event that features a bunch of local bands. Instead, I sat around watching parts of BBC America's Christmas in August Doctor Who marathon.

If the sisters don't end up as incestuous lesbians, Charlie Jane Anders will write a very angry think piece for io9.

I saw an episode of SVU that started with somebody being burned alive.

Apparently, a lot of martial arts types are hung up on the idea that low kicks are more effective than the cool looking ones. Elvis Presley, for example, studied a form of kenpo karate that only incorporated low kicks. So, you can watch a YouTube video where the King shows off some of his moves and kicks dudes in

She's only 47. Get off my lawn while I stand here listening to Disintegration.

They stole thar one from Isaac Asimov.

I never thought I would miss Spokane until I got a job in Bonners Ferry.

That makes sense. I was too busy thinking about how I live in a world where 5/9 didn't happen to make the obvious connection.

So… This is basically Complications without Beth Riesgraf and the cool Lesbian nurse?

Why not? Joe Pesci was in that movie where he played an old homeless guy who started hanging out with college students and took some classes or something.

Her secret? She hasn't been good in anything since "Mars Attacks!"

It's okay. He sleeps with the fish.

I wanted to like JSA. I really did. But I thought it got really stupid right around the time he and/or Goyer had Atom-Smasher kill Extant by using time travel shenanigans to put him on a crashing plane. I seriously think that the only reason JSA had fans was that Johns would cave in to most of the demands readers

Bitching about other people not being progressive enough definitely makes the Internet less fun. Sometimes I actually miss the days when the only reasons strangers hated me for my views were that I couldn't shut up about how much I hate Grant Morrison, Mark Millar, and Geoff Johns.

Thanks, Robert Heinlein. I'll wait over here for my corporal punishment.

Johns doesn't save anything. He writes comics full of gory deaths where one or more characters complain about all the gory deaths.


Bendis's best stuff was straight up crime stories he did before he started working for Marvel. Unless you want to count the autobiographical humor comics he did where he pretty much just ripped off Evan Dorkin and told stories about stuff he did as a teenager and/or his career.