Tek Jansen

The word superhero can only be used by Marvel and DC, so powers was his attempt at creating a substitute.

I don't know about that. Eastwood grew up in a time where you were pretty much constantly at risk of being assaulted because some dude didn't like your first name or something equally stupid. It's kind of amazing anyone in the U.S. survived high school in the first half of the twentieth century.

Johnny Depp already made a pretty good Trump in the Art of the Deal movie.

White male protestant here. Yes, they are.

If you can't bring yourself to vote for Trump, what are you supposed to do? Vote for that guy who claims he time travels and takes trips to Mars? Clinton becomes the lesser evil.

I get exposed to more Fox News than anyone should if they aren't currently being tortured by the CIA and it is crazy how many people are willing to go on national television and spew Orwellian doublespeak about how everything that makes Trump awful also makes him the best candidate since Reagan. He's just a straight

A comic book called Cerebus the Aardvark by Dave Sim. He got the name by spelling Cerberus wrong.

I felt a disturbance in the Force. It was like a million English professors crying out in disgust and clutching their copies of Enough Rope as they fainted on their couches.

Marvel had some characters like that. For example, Forge had the ability to invent ray guns and stuff without having gone to engineering school or anything like that. Cypher had the amazing power of speaking every language, which he might have been able to parlay into a job.`One of their New Universe characters

Sharknado in the Hood with Warwick Davis.

I imagine this Welsh McDonalds getting attacked by Saxons until King Arthur returns from Avalon.

I heard from multiple reliable sources about a gal who accidentally left a baby on a bus. Fortunately for her, a helpful female relative rescued the baby before some sex offender got the child. They need signs like that in my town too.

Supposedly, Uber was going to start delivering food. But the guy in charge wouldn't tell Stephen Colbert what options people had.

You mean his pro-ISIS Muslim beard? Beards show support for the terrorists, unless you're one of the Duck Dynasty guys.

When Glorious Leader builds his Wall of Freedom and Prosperity, the cast of Saturday Night Live will be among the first invited to embrace his platform or submit themselves to reeducation in the Joy and Love Camps.

McDonalds was behind the conspiracy to cut down Ernie Hudson's role in Ghostbusters.

Sad European is a great name for a burger.

I like you Archfiend. Otherwise it would be very tempting to say something obnoxious about ethics in journalism right now.

When I was a kid, Superman could stop muggers without seriously injuring them. Gotham should be full of people who can't walk because Batman messed up their knees.

Well, she did write comics featuring Barbara Gordon so she's more qualified to have an opinion than, say, I am.