Tek Jansen

Listening to rap to learn more about African-Americans seems like a really dumb reason to listen to rap.

Yep. Kind of like how Newswire articles are just summaries of stuff they found on other websites.

That's a great point about the soil. Now that you brought it up, I'm really annoyed that the First Generation didn't make people start gardens. Some extra carrots and potatoes would have come in handy.

So, yeah… I'll be that guy. I love Harry Chapin. I used to listen to his live concert album stuff all the time on Spotify. You haven't lived until you've heard the allegedly discarded endings to 30,000 Pounds of Bananas. I listened to "I Decide" and "I'm Done" by The Julie Ruin and well…

Chapin's wife wrote the lyrics. I've seen people say that her poem was a way of criticizing him for touring too much, but until I find more concrete proof I see no reason to assume that the song is about Harry Chapin.

Has anybody pointed out yet that Chapin's wife wrote the lyrics?


Word. I was going to make a joke about how the stalker thought he was his less famous brother Pete (he's also a musician) but then I realized how serious this is and how awful that must be for Cornell and his family. I can't imagine what kinds of stuff they have been going through if they thought it made sense to

The one with Joel where he goes on a quest that leads him back to New York is pretty much the last good episode.

All that stuff is in the book.

For about a year, I watched The Big Lebowski at least once a week and I got to the point where I had to turn it off when Donnie died. Something about the rest of the movie just bummed me out too much.

I can see what you're saying, but I still wish Xander and Theo would overthrow him.

I remember the TV show vaguely from my childhood. There were a lot of shows based on movies at the time.

I watched the first movie.

On the one hand, I like the idea that the abies are more like cavemen than fast zombies. That makes them more interesting. On the other hand, this episode kind of ticked me off because I spent the whole time wishing they would have stuck with the rebellion stuff instead of pulling a Shyamalan and going off into this

Apple doesn't really care about quality control any more, apparently. I used to work in an AT&T call center and a lot of people had annoying issues with their brand new, extra spiffy iPhones.

Definitely. It sounds like the only thing really wrong with it is that they didn't bring back more people from the original (like, is Goldblum's love interest from the first movie accounted for somehow?). I have issues with bringing back Brent Spiner when he seemed pretty dead in the original, but otherwise it

Baby gangster is a term I've heard used for poseurs, so this makes me picture Jon LaJoie doing his everyday normal guy routine.

I loved The Real Ghostbusters until tinkering with the show ruined it. The episodes with Lorenzo Music as the voice of Peter were really good. The one where they "explained" that the movie was loosely based on the characters from the cartoon was really fun (especially Peter complaining about Bill Murray playing him