Tek Jansen

I just read it. I find the ending annoying and unsatisfying, but otherwise it makes me jealous because it's pretty good.

How old are you, SnarkySkunk?

That would explain why there was a little bit of a pulp feel. Thanks.

That's right. I forgot how long ago that first book was published.

Exactly. Like I said above, when the Roger Moore show was in black and white, it was basically a detective series. Simon Templar spent all his time solving murder cases and foiling blackmailers and stuff to help friends who got in trouble with the law. It was hard to understand why the local cops always hated him

I dunno…. I read the first Saint book expecting it to be like the awesome Roger Moore TV show. I was surprised to learn the Saint originally went around in a van with a small team of guys who were specialists in various things fighting crime. He would beat up local gangsters and stuff like that. His whole gimmick

Rest in peace, Anton. I liked you in every movie I ever saw you in. You made a great sidekick for Tom Hiddleston in Only Lovers Left Alive. You were the best thing about Terminator: Salvation. I even liked Fierce People because of you. You will be missed.

I second Farscape. It just does all the things I wish Star Trek shows would do while having writing that hits all my geek sweet spots. And somehow gets me to care about characters played by puppets.

No. Kris Kristofferson is okay in it as the male lead, but it's hard to give a crap about anything they do in the movie.

Seconded. As the series progresses, he gets super annoying right around the time he gets divorced from Wendy.

I got kind of annoyed when Poet and Randy/Ravenshadow were revealed to be brothers, probably just because the letters column was constantly full of complaints that they looked too much alike.

No, season two will involve Martha Plimpton waking up in bed next to Garrett Dillahunt and the show will turn into a new season of Raising Hope. "I had this weird dream that Jimmy was gay.. Where's Sabreener?"

I thought the lawyer's refusal to let him stay the night was basically payback for the crappy stuff he said after they had sex. Like, if he had acted more interested in having a future with her she might have let him in the apartment.

I don't know what bothered me more. That the comic started seeming like a retread of ideas from New Universe comics around the time Critical Maas showed up, that practically everybody had the same powers as Ravenshadow (flight, superstrength, energy blasts), or how many times somebody would conveniently have a power

According to Wikipedia, there was an ending that kind of makes sense based on a speech Poet gave earlier in the series, but also more or less rips off that old New Universe comic Star Brand. I wouldn't know because I was weaning myself off comics at the time and I dropped the comic somewhere around the time of the

Totally. At first it was like, "Hey this is kind of like Wild Cards. Neat." Then by the time Critical Maas showed up, it seemed more like those New Universe comics they did after Jim Shooter wasn't editor in chief at Marvel any more.

I hate that song. Thanks for reminding me it exists.

Seeing Helena with her bow made me think that one or both of the showrunners must have liked Hanna as much as I did.

They're too busy being really proud of themselves for no particular reason. On the one hand, good for them. They're happier than Gen Xers and they got to know what high self-esteem feels like. On the other hand, it makes them super annoying.

I blame millennials for the decline of rock music in general. If the young people I'm around are any indicator, your average 23-year old mostly listens to dubstep, really annoying EDM, music from video games, and crappy hard rock that sounds like a cross between Tool and Daughtry (with too much Daughtry in that mix).