Tek Jansen

I was pointing out two examples where I think changing stuff was unnecessary. Nu-Galactica Boomer had nothing in common with the original Boomer, so they could have just come up with another call sign for her (and given themselves an opportunity to have an African-American guy in the main cast). Kara Thrace didn't

Bad example. As a Dirk Benedict fan, I'd be okay without Kara Thrace. Or that whole series existing, for that matter.

Why not just make a new character?

I really don't get the Millennial nerd need to turn every straight white male character into something else.

He was the guy who helped Rick get safely out of Atlanta.

"Ideally"? You're dead to me, McCown.

I hated the husband on Married too much to enjoy his wacky hijinks. Such as the episode that was all about him trying to cheat on his wife and he ends up bringing home a puppy. I was too busy thinking Judy Greer deserved better to get on board. So, I didn't even watch all of season one.

Actually, my experience with the ladies is limited to a degree that would make people wonder what's wrong with me. That may explain why I gave my protagonist a super hot wife.

People actually hated more stuff back before the old guard left to form The Dissolve.

I don't see much fun there, but don't be sad… two out of three ain't bad.

It's based on stuff Morrison said in interviews and in old blog entries he turned into a book he is selling. He used to write a lot of stuff about how he sold his soul for comic book sales and tantric masturbation and weird stuff like that.

I wrote a book that isn't selling very well on Amazon. Right to complain maintained!

Charlie from Numb3rs could find the Joker without leaving the local FBI office. "I took that list of abandoned amusement parks and warehouses with skylights you gave me and ran an algorithm. He's probably hiding out down by the docks near where that armored car got robbed. This reminds me of something Sir Isaac

That would serve Morrison right after some of the weird stuff he has done. He does things like talking like Bizarro in his everyday life, making superhero tarot cards, performing a magic ritual that allegedly healed a sick cat, performing another magic ritual that supposedly let him talk to Superman… He credits some

I thought Oswald called herself the impossible girl in the opening narration they use on some episodes.

Could we get a reboot of Sam Barsanti?

I guess I was unclear. I read your review and I still don't get why you like it so much. The love story is touching and all, but like you said the robots' scheme makes no sense. It is one of those stories that doesn't hold up if you think too much about it.

Your wife and daughters would be less likely to get raped, I guess. And you might eat better and bathe a little more often.

"This sharp focus on pseudo-tertiary characters makes sure that The Last Kingdom isn’t just another story about a conflicted white male…"

Still not convinced. Sophia Myles was wonderful, but otherwise? I liked the part where Tennant described the party, but that was about it.