Tek Jansen

I finally saw "The Girl in the Fireplace." What's so great about it? That the Doctor fell for Madame de Pompadour? I don't get why people always use that one as a "gateway drug" episode.

There can be only one.

I've been watching reruns of some of the Tennant and Smith episodes I ignored when they were new (thank you Comcast for sometimes working), and I would gladly take Amy Pond or Martha Jones over the Impossible Girl. Even Donna is more fun, because at least she's kind of funny.

How dare the protagonist in a series about Saxons and Danes be a white guy? Why couldn't Uthred be an Indian lesbian to make Millennial Americans happy?

I could live with Hell's video store. I love the bad on purpose songs, Matt Frewer as a spy, the blind camel, and all sorts of things about that movie.

If you admit that you play the accordion, they'll never hire you for a rock and roll band…

Wrong Misfits. Think women with green hair and weird makeup.

Hey, don't put down Ishtar like that.

I voted for The Addams Family.

TBS showed reruns of both shows for years. I watched them all the time back in the Eighties.

I definitely liked the tomboy sister before she started wearing skirts and acting interested in boys. The gal from My Two Dads was terrible. The Mike Seaver-wannabe kid usually drove me nuts but his shenanigans helped them have stuff to do each week.

I used to watch Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I watched a ton of shows basically just because my little brother liked them. Eventually, I grew to love Salem and the hotter aunt.

I have watched both shows.

Probably either the spy show Undercovers (where Jean-Ralphio played his dopey sidekick) or the Bruce Willis movie Surrogates.

He is only doing it for Carol. He would be perfectly happy living somewhere else.

That armor Madmartigan finds (after he loses the goofy helmet) and the two swords he was carrying around made huge impressions on me and other people in my life.

Agreed. I remember critics complaining that it was too much like Star Wars and I always thought that was just because Lucas was involved.

They were Rick Overton and Kevin Pollack.

There was an edited for TV version they used to show on my town's local Fox affiliate. So, I saw parts of that as a teen back in the day.

I really love that movie, but I have no idea how much of that was due to watching it late at night while half asleep back when they used to show more stuff like that on TV.