Tek Jansen

It's not very satisfying as a King Arthur movie because you basically just get a summary of the greatest hits and anyone with any interest in earlier, more historically plausible versions of the stories will probably get annoyed by all that inaccurate heavy jousting armor. So, the scenery chewing is pretty much the

Well, there were a bunch that could be described as "If you like Conan, you might like this." Your Ator movies, that one with the Barbarian Brothers, lots of stuff with half-naked female warriors…

Trying to question a prisoner was a reasonable move, though.

As Carrie Brownstein once said, music sounds the best through tiny computer speakers.

Capaldi used to be in a punk (or possibly more power pop) band when he was younger, so it's like he's getting to inject more of what he's really like into the character.

Jim Butcher. I wrote a book that Butcher fans might like, but nobody is buying it any more. It would be nice to see what being a successful author is like.

Bill Cosby.

Somebody needs to sue the creators of Road House 2. Mostly because it sucks. It's like somebody started writing a bad rip-off and then somebody else decided to just make it the sequel and recycle Dalton's catchphrases.

Thank you. My only regret is that it might be more authentic with a second, louder "Huh?" because he does that sometimes.

That sounds way too much like a real book. You may have to write it.

I don't think anybody said this yet and it is driving me nuts. Larry Wilcox was Jon.

[Tom Hanks]They were responsible for all sorts of atrocities and genocide, but man… Lugers sure are neat. And how about the MP44, huh? That was one sweet looking submachine gun. Clint Eastwood looked so cool using one in Where Eagles Dare. And I hate to admit this, but I kind of like those gray uniforms. Very

Sort of like how Colin seems like the worst Hanks until you remember Chet exists.

No. I just looked that up. His mother is Tom Hanks' first wife Samantha Lewes.

Okay, I can't believe I spelled that word incorrectly either. But I'm giving your weak ass, overreacting grammar flame a D-

That's the dude's name. And I have hated his reviews since back when he used to review Chuck.

I'll give Teti a B+, but only if I can give Keith Phipps a D.

Before he faked that article, he seemed like a solid B. I dunno… B with an asterix?

Get J.W. Stillwater on the case.