Tek Jansen

Yes, indeed. He was called Vartox. The original, pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths version had a mustache, thigh-high boots, weird briefs, and a receding hairline that kind of made him look like Zed after a haircut. Instead of bandoliers, he wore a vest with nothing under it.

You know what I would have liked to see? When Ruben Blades led all those zombies to the college, I would have loved to see one of the National Guardsmen set off a bunch of Claymore mines and blow some of the zombies to pieces. Little things like that would have made the soldiers look better because it would have

I thought the Penguin was raised by a single mother who insisted he carry an umbrella everywhere.

I do.

If he's writing some of the material, sure. But I don't enjoy things such as sitting through listening to him having what appears to be a normal, unrelated conversation with Mantzoukas [spelling?] where they keep saying "Hey nong man" that feels like it goes on for half an hour before anything funny happens, or

That trailer has me cautiously optimistic. I just assumed the show was going to be awful based on previous articles. It might be entertaining.

I don't have IFC any more, but I have been listening to some of the podcasts while they're still free. The podcast is so much better than what I've seen of the show. I don't think they'll ever do anything as good as Oh Golly, You Devil on TV.

What's bad ass about pretending to have a heart attack?

… and why I wonder how he even gets out of the bed in the morning without serious painkillers. If Batman comics were even slightly realistic, Bruce Wayne would have chronic pain, messed up knees, limited range of motion in his limbs from old injuries and who knows what kind of issues from concussions, stab wounds,

Exactly. I don't know why it's hard for Batman fans to admit that.

Batman fans will take whatever they can get.

He had to fake his own death to "win." The kryptonite arrow was the only thing he tried that actually stood a chance of working. So, he didn't win so much as have a moment that was incorrectly interpreted as really bad ass by Batman fans.

Unless Batman has kryptonite and a magic sword, it goes something like this: Superman flies into the upper atmosphere at Mach 7 and then uses his heat vision to perform brain surgery on Batman, taking away his aggressive tendencies. Batman doesn't even know what hit him. Then, in his new passive and child-like

Keith Phipps never really believed in the new Golden Age of Television he always talked about. Gilmore Girls was the only show he talked about frequently that he actually liked. His real favorite show was Big Bang Theory.

Move to Spokane, Washington. They changed the format of the closest thing we had to an alternative station. You'll never have to listen to Sublime again.

It must be Make Tek Jansen Feel Old Week. There are articles reminding people that Mexican Radio and Falcon and the Snowman are good and now this song has me going, "So this is what the kids like these days? Huh."

Thanks. I can't believe I forgot that already.

You can't start a tab unless you order something.

Based on her accent, I've been wondering if she is supposed to be hispanic on this show.

Showing the girl who could drive sitting behind the wheel and then having her start the truck and try to drive away.