Tek Jansen

Make it fast.

Now you kind of get how I feel about people around here who try to talk me into liking The Roots, Kanye West, Jay Z, and/or Taylor Swift.

Break free, break from the chains…

You win. "Oh What a Night" has catchy earworm qualities that make me love it and hate it at the same time (I catch myself singing it sometimes). "Thunder Island" just sucks.

Apparently, according to Adams, Summer of '69 is not Adams trying to be like Springsteen and the whole song is actually code for having a lot of sex with the same gal. Which to me is much less fun than interpreting it literally.

It must be opposite day.

Foreigner deserves the hate so much more. I would be all over a "Dirty White Boy" or "Hot Blooded" Hatesong.

That actually could have happened because the first Blues Brothers movie came out in 1980.

Also, to answer a question down below, Wanted: Dead or Alive is fantastic. Richie Sambora is the master of "this shouldn't be cool, but it is" guitar riffs and he elevates Bon Jovi's so bad they're good lyrics to a whole other plane of awesomeness.

I would understand if he was hating on Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin', but hating on a song with epic guitar parts and vocals just because it's overplayed is weak sauce, man.

I just found out I'm a bro. I hate sports and am about the least bro-y guy imaginable, but I'm a bro anyway just because I like this song. Screw you, guy with the same name as a comic book writer. Neal Schon's guitar solo is awesome.

Blaze of Glory is far worse.

Exactly. If this show had a bigger budget and better writing, this could have been an awesome procedural series.

There have been Gallifreyan women in leadership roles. Or at least, one anyway back in the Colin Baker era.

Capaldi is starting to remind me of Tom Baker, which is very cool.

I wanted to like it because of the premise, but the execution annoyed me so much that I turned it off after just a few minutes. I tried to watch that movie three times and gave up at about the same spot each time.

That is the perfect way to describe him. Anyone who could write Abracadabra, Jungle Love, Take the Money and Run, Fly Like an Eagle, and Jet Airliner doesn't deserve to be famous.

Basically, he helped introduce British people to the idea that you can bend guitar strings to make cool noises and his vibrato was allegedly really good. Never mind that he's kind of a minimalist in a way that isn't very impressive and pretty much his whole style was copied from Chicago blues musicians.

I love Sleepwalk. Otherwise… point taken.

I have always hated Kingdom Come. I find the action hard to follow. I find the plot ridiculous and there are all sorts of things that bug me (Captain Atom shouldn't have exploded like that, for example). My main takeaway was that the army of non-powered superheroes who used bows and stuff should have all died.