Tek Jansen

Totally. John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers are kind of like that as well. Mayall has played with some great musicians, but he's not good enough to explain why he didn't have to get a day job twenty years ago.

Destiny's Child seemed comparable to En Vogue to me, so I have never really understood why people who like Beyonce REALLY like Beyonce and see her as some kind of musical messiah.

I couldn't believe people actually praised his weird performance from the Saturday Night Live anniversary special. I felt like I was being tortured.

Word. I can appreciate that other people think they're geniuses and that the two main guys work with excellent musicians… but I find their music really boring. And I like jazz, so they should be right up my alley.

I hate the Red Hot Chili Peppers and no amount of comments about Flea's bass playing will ever change my mind. I feel the same way about Kiedis. I also really, really, really hate his lyrics.

I agree. I saw an episode I loved about a guy who found a genie and a few other random ones that I liked, but there were a lot of other weeks when I was bored out of my mind by the episode I tried to watch and I never really got to a point where I liked Mulder or Scully (and I hated when the T-1000 became a regular),

Oh good. It's not just me.

I hate Sweet Home Alabama and the way it has become a redneck anthem. People who have never even been to Alabama use it as their rallying cry because of whatever secret special meaning it has for people who think Larry the Cable Guy is funny. As far as the actual lyrics go, I always thought it was dumb that they

I'm enjoying Peter Capaldi as the Doctor. But generally speaking, I would much rather watch some Tom Baker reruns than try to figure out why people liked Matt Smith so much. And I find myself not really caring that I missed a lot of episodes between when I decided I didn't like Eccleston and when Capaldi took over.

I am well aware of all that. But I am still annoyed that a friend accused me of only saying that I hate the Eagles because I was influenced by The Big Lebowski.

I could think of a lot of artists, but I'm going with the Eagles. A lot of people my age and older love them, but thanks partly to overexposure on the radio, I hate large portions of their catalog: Lyin' Eyes, Witchy Woman, Tequila Sunrise, basically any sad ballad by Frey or Schmitt and Take It Easy (that would be

Totally. I worked for a long time back in the Nineties in a factory where we were only allowed to listen to a classic rock station, a boring AOR station that played lots of sappy ballads, or the local top 40 pop station. You quickly figure out what you like when you're constantly being bombarded with somebody else's

Me either. I don't get Jay-Z's popularity either.

I hate the first book. I'm really not into rape scenes or how obvious it was that all the likable characters had giant targets on their backs because of how much Martin loves killing people for shock value.

I love witty banter. I do not love what Whedon thinks is witty banter.

I figured that out after repeated attempts to get why people like Buffy and Angel so much. I kind of hated The Avengers.

I have a book I'm trying to promote. I will gladly do Hatesongs about any of the following tunes that are much worse than this song:


I might have to call dibs on What a Fool Believes.

He still has his dignity after playing Speed Walker. I agree that he'll be okay