Tek Jansen

Trust me. That's better than having "King of Wishful Thinking" stuck in your head all day because of a comment you responded to earlier.

Word. The guy couldn't save his relationship with some gal who can't sing and it turns out she just didn't want to put up with his behavior any more. Who gives a crap?

I don't want to sound like Adam Corolla, but she is one of those female comics who doesn't really have jokes or a gimmick or anything. She just says stuff that sound like things she might say over a round of mimosas with her girlfriends (much like Natasha Leggero).

The next time someone wants to know why I can't stand "Call Me Maybe", I'll tell him or her it is because there isn't a verse from the guy's point of view.

I'll take your word for it. I made it until she said something about Mama June and I had to close the browser tab.

It's pretty good.

I love that she came up with an actually villainous plan and not some "I want to conquer the world through puppies and hugs!" nonsense. At least, she would make a solid addition to the Flash's Rogues Gallery.

Against All Odds.

I'll help you out here, ladies. Phil Collins plays drums and piano. He does mediocre covers of old pop songs and Eric Clapton was in one of his videos. He wrote a great song about his divorce that was mocked mercilessly by British puppets. Sting plays bass, guitar, lute, mandolin, saxophone and a little piano. He

I love pretty much everything Sting did before Mercury Falling. He's a good bass player, a surprisingly good guitarist and he has indeed written some great songs. Comparing him to the Sussudio guy is not cool.

I care about Nikki and Dutch… a little. I'm more invested in them than Nora and Eph, or Gus and his lady friend.

Chuck said their son was killed and he blames evos for it. And his lady friend is his wife. Otherwise, you're making a lot of sense.

I would watch that movie.

I watched every episode of John Doe and all I remember about it is that he made a bunch of money betting on horse races in the pilot and he met people who were supposed to be his parents who ended up being part of the massive conspiracy. Frankly, the knock-off made a better impression on me.

Yeah… The reloading thing didn't work for me. First of all, how do you reload a disintegration ray? Maybe that could be literally true for older versions that had acid sprayers or machine guns. It was a nice joke, but my nerdiness immediately poked holes in the logic.

It's like that old Fox show John Doe… only more entertaining. I'll watch it again. I found myself wishing that they cast Dean Winters as Kurt Sutter. He would have been funnier and more likable than Sullivan Stapleton.

If it helps at all, I thought the guys in that episode were funnier than Schumer too. I compared them specifically because they were on the same show.

I really hate the first book. I tried watching the first episode during an HBO Watchathon and I was like, "Yep. It's like the book." and that was enough for me.

I wanted to like the Tennant seasons because Tennant is awesome in general, but I must have watched the wrong episodes because nothing appealed to my sensibilities except whatever that story was with the people living in their flying cars.

Watching Allison Brie get treated like crap for no reason was enough to turn me off the show forever. And yes I also found it incredibly boring.