Tek Jansen

Suits? Really? I am completely out of tune with the rest of America, apparently. I got hooked on Better Call Saul after the first episode and I think I gave up on Suits after two episodes because I really hate the Rick Hoffman character in a way that makes it hard for me to watch him be a jerk. And the whole "he's

If someone stripped away Swift's lyrics, most of the tracks would be a collection of nice, atmospheric instrumentals ideally suited for a cool indie movie. The country-flavored guitars and other neat bits don't have much to do with the original songs.

I think she's funnier when she is riffing on what other people say in conversations than when doing her prepared material. I feel safe saying this after seeing her in two comedy specials, a Comedy Central stand-up show where her set sucked compared to Maria Bamford's, and (I think) every episode of her series. She's

I have no idea why. "Hey, that's a nice phrase. Oh shoot. I can't think of another line. I'll just repeat that one until I get bored. It worked for Carly Rae Jepsen."

The irony here is that Ryan Adams trying to sound like a cross between Springsteen and Morrissey ends up sounding kind of like early Bryan Adams (especially during his version of "Shake It Off"). Anyway, I still hate "Shake It Off", but it's more bearable with his arrangement.

Some guys who got castrated still had sexual urges. There are more things in heaven and earth, The Mighty Manotaur, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

I live near where they shot a lot of stuff for that show, so it was fun to see recognizable things from my neck of the woods, such as the Banner Fuel truck with their real phone number on the side. At least until they killed off Tom Everett Scott and about 70 percent of my interest in the show in one fell swoop.

They might have gotten that from Kim "Anno Dracula" Newman. In his vampire novels, vampires have better senses than humans but that comes with drawbacks such as being more vulnerable to tear gas and pepper spray.

I like Michael Pena and all… but Ponch is supposed to be a super-handsome douchebag. Pena is more like the super-handsome douchebag's longsuffering friend.

That kind of fits for the character. The version I was familiar with was in love with a human woman and bummed that he was a robot and therefor couldn't have a normal relationship with her. And his powers involved spinning parts of his body really fast like a crappier version of the Flash.

I am not really a podcast guy, so that was literally the funniest thing I have ever heard him do.

New Keanu looks like Patrick Swayze. So, why doesn't new Swayze look like Keanu Reeves?

British musicians tend to impress me more than American ones. They usually have pretty solid liberal arts educations and they talk about reading Proust and stuff like that and they have interesting thoughts about things that actually matter. Mick Jones from the Clash, for example, is more of an intellectual than I

Self-published authors blog because it is supposed to help book sales. I should know. I tried starting a blog for my self-published novel. I personally know three people who still blog.

Wow. I wish I hadn't clicked on the link. What a waste of Robert Klein.

I finally got around to watching the rest of Wayward Pines after reading spoilers back around episode three and deciding I didn't need to see the rest and that does seem to be the point behind the First Generation.

I think somebody sent the staff some of those phones that make you go crazy. The Livewire and Pete and Pete entries were the only good ideas.

I wish I could say the same thing.

They used it for trophies until 2014 and I remember still seeing the astronaut planting the MTV flag on the moon when I was a high school senior in '91. So, there's that.

Twisted Sister, Cinderella, Great White, Tesla, Motley Crue, and who knows how many bands still toured after Nirvana got popular. I should know. They went to places like the small city where I live. I stick by what I said.