Tek Jansen

Well played. Anything I might say to that would just make me look like a dick.

I didn't interact with Newsarama people much except during that weird phase when Newsarama was part of Comicon.com. I remember how annoyed I would get because Newsarama posters got really uptight back then if you complained about anything. Those of us from the Comicon side loved complaining about stuff, so it was

Being married and having kids are huge obstacles to overcome. The celibacy thing is a big deal.

Ooh! Ooh! No worries. I just used to watch the show on Nick at Nite a million years ago.

A lot of the people buying comics in 2002 were adults who hung out on comic-themed message boards and regularly read updates at sites such as Newsarama and Comic Book Resources. There were a million other sites out there that posted reviews, comic book news, and rants about how Levitz was running DC or why Bill Jemas

Francis Ford Coppola claims he coined the word to describe Godfather II.

It was false, which is why he dropped it eventually.

Fred Gwynn was Francis Muldoon.

Daddy-O, The Day The Earth Froze, Night of the Eye Creatures, Space Travelers, City Limits

I feel like we should help Rabin out a little here. Joe and Bill are Joe Quesada and Bill Jemas. And that Ron Perelman joke would have seemed really funny to superhero fans back in the day because around that time there were a lot of exposes and fan rants on the 'net about how Perelman almost killed Marvel.

Oh man… Guys on comic book message boards used to get really mad at me for more or less saying the same thing.

… and then he tries to claim it's really insightful political commentary Americans are too dumb to understand and his fans repeat that whenever somebody starts complaining about his writing…

Bummer. I kind of liked McMillian back in the day.


Thank you. I hope you like it. Obviously, Stross is better than me but there are parts that I'm still proud of when I'm not being neurotic about why sales aren't better. Hopefully, you'll enjoy the over the top violence and the whole field agents who use magic thing.

You'll be charged double.

Cool. My book is called Crosses and Runes. It's available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iTunes, Kobo, Scribd, Oyster, and a few others. Here's a link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/pr…

The whole Dawkins/Hitchens thing where people would be living in private space stations orbiting Saturn right now if the Greeks had successfully destroyed Judaism and how Christians are allegedly responsible for every bad thing that happened since the Council of Nicea in 313 A.D.

Not in the article. There were a couple of comments from other folks about my religion being at least as dumb as being a Jedi.

I self-published an urban fantasy novel three months ago (I'm afraid to plug it here because I figure most folks who post here would hate it). I definitely feel like the Rod Stewart impersonator in my family compared to my physician's assistant brother and my other brother the graphic designer.