Tek Jansen

He was out of milk and coffee, but he did give me a dime so I could call my mother. Three stars.

Are the barely justifiable digs at Christianity really necessary? I know there are a lot of atheists around here, but being a jerk on the Internet doesn't really help the cause.

I can see celebrating because they won, but jeez… The Last Ship does a better job of showing people mourn the loss of fallen comrades. Somebody should have been sad about that cop who shot a strigoi with his revolver immediately before getting killed by the dude who grabbed him from behind.

Very true.

Exactly. It would have been different if he had a fancy Heckler and Koch sniper rifle or something. "5.56 NATO? I'll stick with my 7.62 mm x 51 overkill machine, thank you very much. It has more stopping power."

It makes no sense that he took that rifle when the gun smuggler guy easily could have had a Remington 700, or an M-14, or some fancy semi-auto .308 lying around… especially when something relatively new would be far more plausible than a neat looking antique.

Sean Astin doesn't count? They killed off the traitorous Samwise Gamgee after making him seem like a main character.

Some of that stuff like the Nixon thing were supposed to be humorous exaggerations. But yeah… the original joke was that he rebelled against his ex-hippie liberal parents and became a republican.

Good point. It would have been nice to have backups kick in and see some of the lights turn back on. They would still need the power back on, but in the mean time they would be frying some of the strigoi and giving their untrained volunteers a better chance of survival.

Well, actually… a bunch of people died before the UV lights saved the survivors, including at least one of the cops. It was more like those idiots managed to kill a few strigoi before being killed really easily by the bad guys. Most of them didn't fight as well as Dutch and she almost died twice because she was just

A few things.

It's crazy how much more likable Moore was as The Saint compared to his take on Bond. It was like he was doing a bad impression of himself.

"Thanks for the help paying for my kid's college tuition."

That show is so disappointing. It's like a less fun version of @Midnight crossed with Family Double Dare. I expected it to be way more entertaining just because Zachary Levi was Chuck.

Half the class will be disappointed by substitute teacher Danny McBride

I remember people getting uptight about Craig because he had blond hair and he admitted in an interview that he couldn't drive a stick. People assumed he would suck because of those two things.

I would definitely watch Jackman as Bond. He's way too nice to really capture the role, but that might be interesting (a Bond who is actually charming might be a nice change of pace from all the different versions of "cold hearted murderer trying to remember how to act like a human being" we usually get).

It's an allusion to Futurama.

You do understand how metaphors work, right?

Our country reeks of cheese…