Tek Jansen

Don't have a cow, man.

AngryDad, you're out of your element.

It's like those anchors were auditioning to take over Fox and Friends. Her reactions were completely understandable.

Bottle Rocket is probably my favorite Wes Anderson movie.

If you go into Trek's future you get Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda and nobody wants that.

How could he possibly argue the show hadn't changed? Originally, Dennis was the voice of reason and Charlie could read. I got into the show through the reruns they used to show on FX and what struck me immediately was that Charlie was a lot different in the first season. He was just more likeable than Mac. They

Damn straight repetition is a reason to hate a song.

Pharrell seems like a good dude with questionable taste in terms of who he works with sometimes (Robin Thicke, Mia Z. from The Voice who somehow ruled the blues category on iTunes for a while). But it really bothers me that he has a singing career on top of being a producer. As a singer, he's a pretty good drummer.

Totally. I had no idea it usually costs at least $250 for a decent cover, just for example. I can't imagine what it costs to produce one of those fantasy novels with some hot chick in leather pants holding a katana on the front (hiring a model, photography, getting somebody to add the dramatic flames, etc.).

I just published a book. Getting the ebook out there was so much easier than slapping together a paperback edition on CreateSpace and I'd much rather see people pay $3.99 for an ebook than pay what the print version costs.

Would you say we have a plethora of posts that use pedantic incorrectly?

Word. If you know that Ben Affleck and a bunch of the other supporting actors are playing either famous actors from back then or other, lesser known, British playwrights the movie is ten times more fun.

Daredevil used to be on FX a lot and I could never watch more than a few minutes of the movie. The soundtrack, the pacing, and Affleck created a perfect storm of stuff that made me too uptight to stick with it to find out if it gets better after Elektra shows up. Every time, I was like "I can't take any more of

I just self-published a fantasy novel, so I'm going to be like richelieu jr and nominate myself. I have this dream project for DC where Ralph Dibny wakes up from a horrible nightmare and we find out that nothing since Identity Crisis actually happened. That means several of my favorite characters are still alive

She's doomed then if she's counting on me.


Huh? They were full of weird BDSM elements, lesbian overtones, and kinky fetish stuff. Wonder Woman was constantly running into alien women who liked being chained up or getting spanked by Etta Candy and stuff like that. There probably would have been full on hot girl on girl action if Marston had been able to get

Yeah, Marvels is actually good. Kingdom Come is a bunch of nonsense poorly scripted by Mark Waid.

Is there a bonus track called "Summer Sun"?

… except when they do (Dark Tower series, the first three Shannara books, Lord of the Rings, "The Magic Goes Away", "The Last Unicorn", about a zillion others)…