Tek Jansen

DC had a lot of characters capable of faster than light space travel at the time, but yeah… Johns made mistakes all the time when he tried to throw a little science in to justify something. It was like he couldn't be bothered to spend the extra ten minutes on Google to check his facts when he was working on scripts.

McConaughey talked about how he based his character's look on a dream he had. I got the impression he took his role way too seriously for weird personal reasons.

The dude's 46 and he basically hasn't aged for the last sixteen years. It's hard not to hate him for it. I'm about five years younger than him and I'm so hideous I have to hide my face behind my Kindle.

The harmony vocals are the deal breaker for me. Every time they sing "Royyyals", it sets my teeth on edge for some reason. Otherwise, my only complaint is that they perform it too often on The Voice.

The kind of rap Alexander likes makes me wish I was listening to just about anything else (except maybe a country song about a truck). What does that say about me?


"He's one of the best in the world" at multiple martial arts. Never mind that it takes something like twenty years to truly master judo or Shaolin kung fu and the hero would have had to start training in kindergarten to be that good (unless we're supposed to assume the dude is a Donnie Yen-type prodigy who can pick up

I really really hate that first one. Except when there is some kind of explanation why the bad guys aren't a big deal any more. "We figured out their secret weakness!" or something along those lines is fine usually.

Fantasy authors have been doing that forever just because Tolkien had Gandalf act that way, so it leads to annoying stuff like "Why doesn't Jeremy Irons just tell the kid with the dragon what he wants to know and save us all a lot of grief?"

I knew it wasn't a trope, so I almost resisted the urge to post it. I went ahead mostly because it bothers me a lot more than fake band names.

Amen. That's definitely a step or three up from my usual routine of eating a peanut butter sandwich and drinking milk out of a plastic bottle while messing around on the internet.

How about touchscreens that always do exactly what the user wants? I can't even use my phone to post Facebook updates without accidentally launching apps or doing something else I didn't want to, and yet that guy on Hawaii 5-0 never has to back out of the wrong screen or minimize a window or anything like that when he

Burn Notice writers would have had to work a lot harder if Michael had realized this once in a while.

Are you writing checks your body can't cash?

The one that bugs me the most right now is when the writers have a story that could be easily wrapped up in about three episodes and they stretch it out for a whole season just because that's what some people like right now. I'm looking at you, Justified.

Those are better examples than some of the ones the pros gave.

Considering how people around here like to think of themselves as pop culture experts, folks need to get over that Millennial thing of not giving a crap about anything that happened before they started middle school. The amount of ignorance of things that should be common knowledge around here is both disappointing

She was totally offering to pay for it. I'm not sure why that was confusing for some of you nice folks.

Bad Company is the poor man's Bad Company.

I'm a forty year old from Washington state. When I was in high school, practically everyone I knew loved Bon Jovi. They thought it was weird that I only knew a couple of their songs. So, it wasn't just women from New Jersey. Anyway… I find "Wanted" unintentionally hilarious, so I really enjoy it in a kind of ironic