
That’s an extremely irrational worry to have.

Because it leaves the decision to the consumer, rather than having someone at Valve exert moral judgement (which is bound to be controversial). How is Valve supposed to know better than you?

People like the author of this article want Valve to filter the games because he thinks their values align with his - and that

Good move, Valve. A platform should be an agnostic canvas for artists, not a playing field for corporations to push their morals on others. 

So you supported the last President too?

Wait, this article referenced isn’t about cars?

Do you want more expensive cars and fewer choices?

I mean OF COURSE the people who were racing are responsible, but it’s common sense not to cross the street with a baby stroller without a crosswalk. Who jaywalks on a 4 lane road with a median, anyway?

That’s not fair, of course kids are being dicks street racing, but if the mother was crossing the street, regardless of the fact that she is dead, there is responsibility there. Your death does not negate your responsibility.

This is a tragic accident but who wheels a a baby on or around a busy street?

It’s even worse where I live now, in North Carolina – people are obsessed with hanging runner-up flags from 153 years ago

Innocent until proven guilty?

Accused = guilty.

Or maybe they just don’t believe ANYONE without actual evidence.

They can’t be prosecuted for false imprisonment because no one was actually locked in the store. They all had the option to leave via the emergency exits—on pain of being fired, of course, but that’s not the same thing as being under actual threat of bodily harm. This kind of thing is common in retail, and though it

Are you joking? That’s an impossible proposition if you won’t utilize hybrid technology. You’re not going to get a V8 minivan that gets 40 mpg (and call it a small car).

The Camry will easily carry three kids comfortably.

Wish I could get 93 where I live!

Low birth rates are largely due to woman not wanting to give up their careers. Complaining about people hurting their country by not pumping out children is both strange and misogynistic.

Have you ever worked at a start-up? Long hours, low-pay, high-pressure. It’s not a government union job. It’s not for everyone, a lot of people can’t or won’t handle it. And when have you seen a good Tesla news story here. Almost all are bad.

She was in her mid to late 30s when she published that account, bragging about her middle school debate and using it as a point in an anti-burqa, anti-hijab, anti-Muslim article. That is pathetic and the issue at hand. That debate occured 20 to 25 years in the past at that point.