
So what’s your argument? Or were you just trying to belittle me because of a part time job?

Maybe quit kicking your nephew in the stomach, dick.

It’s not even so much that. If you don’t want the people you work with to suffer the consequences for your action then you should probably not do dumb shit in the first place.

So that cylinders don’t interfere with their exhaust pulses, especially at high revs?

Looks like Jimmy isn’t an Oak man after all.

I don’t believe I ever said I was offended. In fact I said that I really don’t care. But people who do get offended easily should consider the hypocrisy of their actions when the shoe is on the other foot.

God damn you people are so fucking ignorant.

Can you imagine the uproar if a show called “Dear Black People” was created where the trailer shows a condescending view towards black people? Kinda puts the whole thing in perspective when you think about it. Not that I really care either way, just pointing out why people might find it offensive.

A reminiscence does not require one’s personal attendance, merely that one is reminded. If a painting reminds me of a Picasso, to me it is reminiscent of a Picasso. It doesn’t mean that I recall watching Picasso paint.

Saving Private Ryan lost to Shakespeare in Love. I was never able to take the Oscars serious after that.

After Schindler’s List, Holocaust movies became kind of cliché and repetitive.

I submit that it’s a bad idea to look down on people because you think they did something you dislike and your only evidence is their race, gender, and home state.

“Oh, you’re one of the good ones. Here’s some money.”

Eh, I think that the only way to cut this Gordian knot (without setting it on fucking fire) is to call out and encourage decency. It’s at a premium nowadays, and I feel like people are so caught up in their right to feel injured/afraid/angry that the knot just gets tighter.

I’m only 5'8" but the seats are so close I don’t recline unless no one is behind me. Otherwise it seems rude to me. I agree that they should just take them out.

It’s acceptable because I literally have no choice, especially when there are no more extra-leg-room seats available at a price I can afford. And we’re using “right” pretty liberally now -- don’t I also have a “right” to not have my knees crushed by the inconsiderate entitled asshole in front of me?

No need to-- even though I’m sure you’re spoiling for a fight, because you’re a Type, and I can deal with you. The flight attendant will make you raise your seat off my kneecaps once I bat my eyes and tell them how much pain it’s causing me, and get their sympathy. Meanwhile, you’ll be there stewing away in your own

Not acquiescing to a polite request makes you a fucking crybaby who can’t act like an adult. End of story.

I agree that you’ve expressed your opinion in a civilized fashion, and commenters who don’t agree with you are wrong to call you names and hurl invective. You’re coming out way ahead in that regard. Having said that, I disagree with your position. Here’s why (with a qualifying disclaimer, I’m watching this without

Giving the ball to the kid is not going to turn him into a monster.