
I’d rather have a hatch than a sedan, but only if the hatch has comparable sight lines. Most of the modern hatches I’ve driven have way too much non-transparent area where I’m wanting to look through the hatch.

- C.S. Lewis


Looking for help from a movie seems destined to perpetuate your distress.

Regardless of how you feel about kneeling during the anthem, it cannot be easily disclaimed that kneeling during the anthem can have a significant impact on both public and professional perception of the kneeling player.

Tangentially related opinion:

I think the entire NFL roster should have kneeled in response to the

You’ve negated your own argument. I could explain, but I feel like you would benefit more from the challenge of determination.

There have been very few occasions of electors voting against their pledge, and the electors are elected by popular vote in the state. Thus, flipping popular votes has a direct impact on the outcome of the election, as long as those votes are flipped in localities where the elector will change due to the new total

How many letters have you written to Jackie Chan with the single line “Why?”?

This is the correct answer.

Fire with fire ends with you righteously standing in a smoking crater, covered with soot.

I can only get 92, which is holding me at a 91 tune. I also hope to one day see 93 available everywhere.

Yes, but 87-91 is fairly average in the U.S., and Euro 95 is our 91. Regardless of the conversion math, this would be a significant boost in available octane level (probably 91 - 95).

The demand for backward compatibility is a disease that stalls innovation. This isn’t even non-compatible. It’s simply sub-optimal.

Maybe you should debate whether a debate should exist. You won’t get to pick a side, though.

I only care for pictures that are specifically referencing something in the text. The dump at the end of the post is annoying to me.

The Kurgan will live forever.

I love the rails that are obviously under my wheels when I drive my WRX.

I don’t know how tight money is for you, but the improvement in lifestyle of an SSD is worth stretching a bit. My Windows 10 machines boot in 5-10 seconds. After I got my first SSD, and saw the difference, I made SSD a requirement for all my machines. I’d rather live with the smaller size than ever go back.

The parent’s author need not be a bully to believe the best action is to overcome adversity through perseverance.