
In the Portland, OR area, I asked for $500 off a sticker that was already $2500 over any realistic value. I was flat out told “the car will sell within 30 days at this price”, and they let me walk without any attempt to save the deal at all. There wasn’t even a “well, what if we do XYZ” bullshit attempt where they

I just finished binging it over the last 24 hours. I’ve watched a lot of the Netflix original content, and AC is definitely my favorite thus far. It could have used some more pruning, but it is far from the worst Netflix production in that regard.

People who can’t get over it not being based on accomplishment.

“nonetheless” - So, in spite of crashing, it is the latest in a string of accidents?

Good to see it’s always the important problems getting handled.


Grim Dawn is my vote for best of the genre.

Bias and prejudice will only limit the possible range of your success.

I agree entirely that MS should have made all phone-home “features” opt-in, but the 2 minutes it took to disable them all during configuration was not a significant barrier to my installing the OS.

I really don’t understand these arguments. I was on Windows 7 when 10 came out. After waiting a couple months, I installed Windows 10. For me, it was noticeably more responsive than 7. Originally, some of my apps were a bit flakey due to driver support. That seemed to clear up within the first 6 months of the release.

I’ve run several mint desktops. To me, it feels nothing like Windows 7, let alone 10. I’ve never found Windows 10 to be inferior to Windows 7, but I’d also never suggest Linux (Mint or otherwise) to someone who liked 7 or 10.

Yes, and that would be easier than switching most organizations from Windows to Linux.

Until Microsoft offers paid support for their apps on WINE, it is not an alternative for anything beyond tiny orgs.

This was excellent until the last sentence. Resist the urge next time.

There is nothing of substance in this comment. It is worthless.

This take is truly laughable. I’m a big fan of Linux, and I would never suggest any of the available alternatives to MS Office make good cases for replacing it. The world runs on Excel, terrifying as that fact might be. Small inconsistencies are a big deal.

You should rethink how you react to disagreement. Name-calling makes you look immature, weakening any good points you’ve made. Ironically, the negative impact increases with the intelligence level of the reader.

I agree with your take on Windows 10, but I also think your previous reply isn’t a good one in the context of the original comment. WhoDatNinja is almost certainly talking about desktop users, and just based on my experience with business users who suddenly get Macbooks instead of Thinkpads, I have to say it would be

If you can’t handle being fully productive in both, your takes on one or the other are pretty much invalid as far as I’m concerned. I work on a Mac Pro with Windows 10 and Windows Server VMs in a local cloud. Both operating systems are fully capable of supporting all but the furthest outlier use cases.

I like that KIA and Hyundai continue to make performance-oriented products, but I don’t care to drive something 500 lbs heavier than my current heavier-than-I-would-like WRX while losing AWD.