
This does not actually imply the parent is “picking up your phone and looking at it”. It only suggests the problems without Android Auto are also present with Android Auto.

This really appears to be a better-than-average enterprise corp-level communication. I find your attempts to defame it far more insidious than the original communication.

Why is there a difference based on the exchange of funds? Either all kitchens, in every possible setting, should be required to pass the same inspections or none of them should be subject to such requirements. These laws are based on the possible impact of the sale (number of people effected), not on any logic

Everyone deserves death. Sooner or later, it won’t make a bit of difference either way.

That was Alien “4". Alien 3 was “Alien with that Guy from Roc in Prison” (Charles Dutton).

Looked to me like Lopez took 2 solid lefts and a straight right, and nothing after the interference counts for much. I definitely saw it as Lopez getting his ass handed to him by the corner man.

American Football was first played in 1869. The forward pass did not become a legal play until 1906, after 19 fatalities in the 1905 season caused a rules revamp in the interests of increased player safety.

Just because the settlement is better than most people expected doesn’t mean it is “right”. A truly appropriate outcome would be no settlement, and VW most likely being driven into catastrophic corporate failure. It isn’t the car owner’s fault VW committed a crime. They certainly shouldn’t be expected to be

Time will always be more valuable than money. You can always get more money. You can never get more time.

I just ran through the ratings on the declining models for Honda and Subaru. The ratings do not make even mathematical sense. The Civic has only one poor rating (audio system), with all but three ratings being Excellent, and they rated it as Poor.

The CR-V has all but one rating as Excellent (Very Good on Audio), and

I’ll never put on a life-jacket again.

Winter Soldier and X-Men 2 are the only super hero movies from recent times that I hold in any considerable esteem. To me, most of them are generally grade-B or lower. If the main draw of the movie is 99% CGI action sequences or comic book nostalgia, I don’t find it very compelling. The only positive I find in the

Settling is for people who refuse to accept the finality of death.

I’m not shocked that Buick is improving reliability. The 79-81 Regal was one of the most reliable American cars for nearly a decade.

Any survey that ranks Audi above Honda in reliability is ridiculously flawed. I don’t know why Subaru dropped (Starlink?), but that is more believable to me than Honda (and I own 3 Subarus that have never broken down).

The meet-my-price-or-I’ll-walk tactic rarely works for the buyer when the demand for the vehicle exceeds supply. The dealers will sit on the car until someone pays the price they want. I did the tour of all the dealers in my area last time I was buying a WRX/STI, and nobody was interested in listening to a word

“edge rusher” ... Edgecrusher?

I have driven a WRX for 13 years, and the initial purchase was simply based on $$/Power + AWD. I now own 2 WRXs and an Outback. I was very happy to see Ford building the Focus RS, and I welcome all future AWD competition. However, I have no desire to own any of the RWD performance cars. The Fiesta and Focus STs are

It probably exists within 10-15% differential, and the housing will most likely be a much steeper comparative decrease. I can easily work in the mid-west for ~10% less pay, but buy a nicer house for half the price of my home near Portland, OR.

You can afford both a house and a $25k car on $80K. You just have to live where the housing is affordable. A decade ago, I bought a house and a new car while making $60k in Kansas. Two years later, I moved to Portland, OR @$75K and managed to buy a condo while keeping the car and still saving $1K per month into