
creating another B-2 like plane is NOT innovation. Creating less expensive more capable unmanned aircraft IS innovation. But we need to innovate within a budget. The US is only racing itself at this point. We spend more on our military than the top 4 countries combined. Its a waste and we will ultimately go the way of

These planes are completely unnecessary and a waste of tax payers money. The fleet we currently have is sufficiently modern and should not be replaced with just slightly improved planes of the same design. We should keep what we have since it is still superior the world over and eventually replace those with far less

Can you do a form of Kegels to get the bags one at a time and fill them up before pulling them out? I can see this saving time. Asking for a friend.

Three years without a test? What do they think those swabs are, FSU football players?

Eh...I have to disagree a bit. Just because the storyline is the same across classes doesn't mean it's bad. After all, if the entire galaxy declares war on Revan, it's not like your character could sit it out.

The truth is this: you can have one story, or you can have 8 stories that are 1/8th as long. Man hours are a

The NPC who haunted Minecraft.

How did our police become autonomous little armies?

The characters in GTA she refers to were supposed to be stereotypical, drug abusing, fame hungry child stars who think the Sun shine out of their own arse. There are no redeeming features in any of them whatsoever and were only designed to be an archtype.

My matchbook begs to differ.

I used to be a baby like him. Then I took an Arrow to the Knee...

John Boehner: Packers fan

I wonder if the creator of this video was trying to see if they could break the content ID system on Youtube.

Over the past four years we have sold over 10,000 Fuelsharks and monitored our returns and customer feedback vigorously. To date we have had 86 returns and I have personally spoken to dozens of customers that have told me that while initially using the product they tracked their mileage very carefully and saw

Before anyone else adds them :)

Well Done. We could also add these: