
I aspire to be Emperor of the Universe. So I can rob a bank, right?

We wished for Star Trek.

>So no “finders, keepers” on this?

Lizzy Wizzy’s breakups have sometimes gone worse...

I dean your quest worthy.

No, that’s where I installed my Nest Doorbell Ham.

I required coking through much of the 1980's.

Wait. What? So the organic ones *can* exist in real life?

Great. I’m looking forward to only being able to download the Kindle app from the Amazon store, and having it packed full of spyware and trackers to keep Amazon up to date on everything that I do on my phone or say in my phone’s vicinity and everywhere I go while carrying my phone.

THIS is what I truly desire.

Agreed about Gruber’s slant re: Apple policy, but his discussion of how the technology is to function is objective and clear.

I am disturbed by this new policy of Apple’s, and their apparent belief that people who don’t like it just don’t understand it. Typical Apple blindness, but instead of a product feature, they are undermining their entire privacy position.

Don’t be too proud of this technological terror youve constructed.

This is what happens when you replace missing gene sequences with frog DNA.

I hate when I see a mistakes like that.

I thought it was when all of those Japanese tourists flew over Pearl Harbor, and the FBI blew up American warships beneath them...

It’s not that easy. I’ve played 4x space games.