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    I'm not saying abstinence itself will be a red flag, I'm expecting Paige's behavior around Matthew to become strange and inexplicable. I'm not even talking about sex necessarily, but just intimacy or trust in general.

    I am just now realizing that radar discussion was foreshadowing Oleg's treason. I am not smart.

    It bums me out that Paige's first kiss happened because she felt like she needed to get close to an asset. Yes, maybe a little because she liked the guy, but mostly because she thought it was a good play. Made all the worse because it was so believable from those two.

    Ever since Paige was assigned a surveillance operation on Pastor Tim, she's been recruited to the cause. Whether Elizabeth wants to admit it (or wishes she could unwind the events that forced her recruitment) Paige is already an asset. Elizabeth looks seriously concerned about that fact, as she should be, because

    Oleg should be a case study for future TV writers. He isn't the biggest character, but his story might be the best crafted element in the whole show.

    I want to go back and watch some of Elizabeth's 'origin' scenes to compare her mother's attitude towards becoming a spy vs. her attitude towards Paige becoming a spy. Elizabeth was almost surprisingly protective of Paige over her work on Matthew, and I wonder how that situation would have played out with her own

    That was particularly funny, but you really couldn't show a preview of that episode without spoiling that one. I do my best to avoid the previews altogether, I don't think anyone here needs a trailer to convince us to come back next week

    Please. Have some respect and use his full name. Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig Abderrahman Mohammed Ahmed Abdel Karim El Mahdi.

    Don't forget Idris Elba in Zootopia!

    Good on you, Kansas! I'm proud of you hardworking Americans. Their second most popular question is "What is Syria?" so they have that going for them, too

    My only takeaway: this author isn't from Indiana

    Don't worry, he's still in the fight. I mean, he isn't alive, and he's on the other side, but… semantics.

    Ted Cruz is Lancel Lannister, at best.

    Didn't that Poor Dude convince Renly to make a claim for the throne?

    Elizabeth taking down 2 rapists and saving the day? That's a good guy move. Elizabeth taking it way too far and stabbing a guy in the neck? Not so much.

    My wife covered our dog's eyes during that scene.

    Hodor gets to be clear headed for 5 minutes and what does he do with it? Traumatizes his past self. What a dick. NO I'M SORRY COME BACK HODOR


    *fly escapes wallet in a spiral*

    Ohhhhhh noooooooooo