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    Hodor wasn't nearly as simpleminded as the show made him out to be. He seemed to understand everything Meera was saying to him in this episode. His responses were simple, but he was there.

    Dammit Bran, you'd better be worth all the trouble

    Even if you don't like Clooney, you owe it to yourself to watch Out of Sight. Tell yourself you're watching it for *Michael Keaton* and Dennis Farina if you have to, because those two alone are worth seeing.

    I read it more as Clooney and Roberts getting signed up because "Our friend has something to say and she's making us say it"

    I don't think it even counts as a level, but the Krogan hitman in the Citadel during the early stages of Mass Effect was the WORST. I don't even care about the rest of the enemies in that scene, the Krogan is the one that screws it up.

    I know Skip the Fade is one of the most popular mods for DA:O, but why is there no Shallow Roads mod?

    I used to live (live)
    In revenge porn city
    Where everything had its own special life

    Jon, before I give you my sword, do you have any kids?

    A pair of big f-off massive bronze horse sculptures, forming a gateway to… a bunch of thatched mud hovels occupied by dirty people in rags. That place made no sense to me.

    I had the same problem with my broadcast. Who thought it was a good idea to advertise NASCAR and Farmer's Only during this show?? Is there a significant rancher/progressive crossover market? Do they consider grazing rights a civil rights movement? Did the ad buyers just ask for any TV shows that mention artificial

    Yeah, because I was 13 years old.

    I still remember a morning radio show in LA ripping on the movie, maybe 2 months before it came out.

    Not a player, so I can't speak to how it would fit with your rulebook, but shouldn't telepathy be limited to what the other person is thinking? If you ask me a question about something personal or private, I'm not going to immediately recite the answer to myself, I'm going to think "You're an asshole, why are you

    If you're curious why we give Mexico money, I can explain. Money can be exchanged for goods and services.

    I really enjoyed the Mass Effect series when I was going through a rough time - the little social network you build pushes the right buttons if you're feeling isolated. I love Rocket League but some of the community is pretty toxic. I'd join a steam group and play with them instead of just jumping in with the general

    Definitely get Momentum if you're a backstabby rogue in that game. It speeds up your attacks and you will do crazy amounts of damage if you have 2 daggers. Every time I go back to DA:O, I struggle with (and usually submit to) the urge to roll another Momentum Rogue. I've played all of the origins as one, I think.

    It was one of maybe 3 or 4 games to win GOTY from multiple publications. I think DA:I won the huge majority, but Mordor was 2nd place on wins.

    Your husband is her burden

    "The Oval Office looks like a business tycoon’s mansion in a soap opera"

    That was not my reading of the book at all. Is your position that any book about rape and survival should always be told from the perspective of the victim, and that their story shouldn't be seen & documented by a third party?