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    The only word I have for Inarritu's directing is "masturbatory." Revenant was OK, but jesus this guy is in love with his work.


    "When a song is in a movie, it is forever a part of that movie" - Common


    Stutterer wins 2 in a row

    "Today's a proud day to be Irish" - I'm sorry, it isn't your turn Ireland, we're doing Black this year.

    He played it better than most drummers would have

    Even the birds are black this Oscars!

    Who did Whoopi Goldberg photograph naked to get this much airtime?

    That empty 6th hook kind of standing out

    I want to see two people nominated with names that are the same until the last letter.

    The microphone whine is more interesting than Arquette's reading right now

    Brie Larson is going to win Best Babysitter this year for sure

    Those collars are pretty fucking intense

    "I refuse to accept this oscar as I will not have my work associated with Minions"


    Del Toro out there looking menacing enough to just take the best supporting actor oscar without anyone stopping him

    Jared Letto looks like a 99c matador

    If the Elder Things had invented abayas they might still be alive today.

    "she's a cold, self absorbed, work obsessed narcissist."