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    I totally agree that $600 is a fair value for something that is essentially a high-end monitor. That said, this is a lesson in Marketing 101 - it's all about expectations.

    I know I'm supposed to be a grieving mother/200 year old attorney, but all I seem to do is build condo towers with machine gun nests in them. Something in that tank screwed with my head.

    My guess: people have hyped TW3 as the best game ever forever, and Bloody Baron happens early enough in the game that people have actually finished that quest.

    I love that he doesn't even offer to take it! It would have been so great to watch Allison argue over who gets to carry the parking ticket

    I'm sure we'll hear more about the jury finding him guilty but the judge siding with Alicia for unknown reasons, right? Right?

    As long as they use Jason's old Cutlass sedan and hunt ghosts along the way, I'm in.

    You need corn, mutfruit, and tatos to make that paste.

    My first 10MM got called "Stepdad" because Shaun's real dad isn't going to be much help.

    Ashley is perpetually dismissed as a space racist and it's almost always the end of the conversation about that character. But it would be really strange if Ashley DIDN'T end up a space racist - aliens had straight up ruined her life and her family in the years leading up to ME1. Plus, she's a really interesting

    It's not gay if it's in space, right?

    Did you forget you meet Wrex while he's threatening to murder a cop? Wrex is definitely a bad guy in ME1, despite BioWare nuances in the sequels.

    Because, honestly, how is a carryweight of 10,000 less realistic than a carryweight of 450 that includes 15 desk fans, 3 full sets of armor, 18 hats, 14 guns, and 200 bottles of water? Oh, and can't forget the 10,000 rounds of ammo, which weigh nothing

    Do you plug your PC into your TV or are you using one of those streaming doodads?

    If you find a woman that's willing to put up with 100% of your shit, drop her. It may take years, but eventually you'll find out she's been secretly, fiercely resenting something and it's going to force her to commit murder.

    And that limp! I go full John Wick when something happens to that dog.

    I keep getting nicer parts for my PC and my wife just sees a white box on the desk.

    I'm barely out of the vault, but shortly after meeting Dogmeat I played around with his commands to see what he could do. Not far from Red Rocket we found a Radstag grazing by a lake, so I told Dogmeat to inspect it. The Radstag panicked and bolted, with Dogmeat in hot pursuit. They went up over a ridge while I

    And if you use your mouse wheel to scroll down the perk sheet it zooms in instead.

    I know it's music and it's subjective and it's a matter of taste and everything's just an opinion, but some opinions are just flat-out wrong.

    Having a limited understanding of a secret sect of witch animal hybrids seems reasonable to me. I doubt Mage's College is sending PhD students to study them, their guild head is kind of a shit wizard.