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    I was kind of surprised by the backlash from fans who said "none of my choices mattered!" after ME3. What the were they expecting, really? When they got to ME2 and saw that the character they romanced wasn't even a party member anymore, shouldn't that have been a hint that transferring decisions between games was

    All the fun of a close-range shotgun blast to the face, with the added bonus of being able to teleport punch the guy first.

    When I first played OoT I was just old enough to realize the ReDeads were the remains of the colorful, friendly people I met when I was little, and that if I hadn't been so eager to be a hero they might still be alive. That game messed me up.

    I wasn't 100% sure I'd go full sociopath on my Alpha Protocol playthrough, but when a conversation wheel comes up and one of the dialogues is "Fuck Off" there is really only one choice.


    Jesus never said squat about gays.

    Shhh don't tell the Sanders fans

    Trump winning gives us an honest shot at an American bankruptcy and a complete breakdown of the global economy that will give fans of the post-apocalypse genre a lot to be excited about.

    Sanders is in the running right now for the same reason Trump is- nothing matters yet. You can send a message about how you want someone other than Hillary without actually jeapordizing the election and handing it over to whatever empty-smiling abortion activist the Republicans field.

    Why aren't you writing this? I need to see this.

    A lot of my gaming these days is an excuse to put on my spotify and listen to some new music without feeling like I need to distract myself. I'll turn on something like Race the Sun or Rocket League and put on my own soundtrack and I have more fun that way.

    Rocket League! I am having so much fun being irredeemably terrible at that game. Apparently they're giving it away for free to everyone who preordered Steam hardware so hopefully some people more amateur than me will show up soon

    Hold up. I know "Ashley is a space racist" is the trope, but even if she is she's not wrong. My memory is kind of foggy but I'm pretty sure humanity's first experience with aliens was one of their ships being blown up for no stated reason. Hell, her dad got vilified during "The First Contact War"- when your First

    Building a PC was a lot of fun, mostly because I thought it would be a lot harder than it was. It sounds like the AMD 290 is the best deal out there for a GPU right now - apparently you can force it to accept the new 390X drivers, making it a brand new card with a little less RAM. If you go that route, find a card

    So is this the Marvel movie that finally starts the war between the comic book nerds and the science nerds?

    The state of California gave an ex's mom 4USE420

    *90's sitcom crowd* ooooOOOOOOO!!!!!

    OK Dany, feel free to come to Westeros and torch every last person on the continent, Stannis the Tyrannis included

    Really want to finally put down the dollars for a G27 - I've even started looking for modding tutorials for it. Wheels like this one are super tempting - http://img1.uploadhouse.com…

    I downloaded the full-flavor version (there's a torrent out there somewhere) and was still unimpressed. It's barely an upgrade from Skyrim. If you want to see what I'm talking about, look at the yellow border at 1:30 in the trailer. Perfect straight lines and perfect angles, with kinda muddy textures everywhere