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    The original version or the remake?

    Problematic is a cowardly version of offensive. It takes a term that is already annoying at best and adds a bit of sniveling.

    After *mumbles* kinda giving up on DA:I despite my love for all things BioWare, I installed Witcher 3 and I'm getting really into it. I'm not that far in but it's extremely challenging, engaging, and damn is it pretty. I'm not super far into it but I love how some challenges are definitely beyond my abilities at my

    Is the Windows 8 support any good? I've been hesitating to reinstall it because of the warnings on Steam

    "Let's just make it shit in the title sequence too, for consistency"

    Ramsay getting caught out by the storm and freezing to death would be something, right? …Right?

    Two episodes ago I wondered why Tommen didn't have a single capable advisor ready to go stomp on High Sparrow and rein him in. Last week I wondered why Tommen didn't have his royal guard fight off the inquisitors taking his queen.

    Shiek Mohammad bin Zayed in Dubai, for starters. There are plenty more

    The better word would have been dictatorship, not monarchy. Similar problems, more flexibility to execute dissenters

    Theme song by Imagine Dragons or AWOLNATION or some shit

    I am so, so, so excited for the Flashman movie, and I agree 100% that Dalton would have absolutely killed it.

    Also a really good choice- I think most of my playthroughs were city elf (that or dalish, almost always)

    The correct choice for an evil DA:O character is the dwarven noble. It's so easy to be an asshole when you've had a throne stolen from you!

    Another quote from LA Story that I had forgotten was from LA Story because it became something much bigger for me - "Let us just say I was deeply unhappy, but I didn't know it because I was so happy all the time"

    Pre-Apollo sci-fi movies are such a blast. Forbidden Planet will be on my must-watch list until we're all destroyed by monsters from the id

    Oh, shit - it's open season on the LA freeways!

    Do you know who Ayn Rand is? What I'm saying is 100% the opposite of Ayn Rand

    "But alas, even the few "smart" conservatives I know have either abandoned the GOP, or have to sigh heavily when confronted with the mainstream avatars of their ideology."

    Perfect avatar/comment synergy

    "voting against their own best interest."