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    Fast forward to season 7 opener: Kalinda is still working at Florrick Agos and is crashing with Cary. She was only saying 'goodbye' to Alicia, who has fled Chicago in the off-season and is never seen with any of the rest of the cast ever again

    Speaking of events of their own creation, did anyone else feel like John Snow would have been signing a death sentence if he went back on his oath and accepted Stannis's offer?

    So the fact that she was standing in the windowsill so the light would hit every hard edge on her figure was a coincidence? Not stylistic at all? Not meant to be noticed?

    People all up and down this thread have been talking about how skinny she looked, which is a fair depiction of a poor kennel master's daughter. I saw it as an intentional stylistic choice, considering the lighting had severe contrast, her positioning could not have done more to highlight the anglularity of her

    So do you fault Cyrano? Or do you fault the director who was CLEARLY trying to elicit Cyrano's response?

    GoT continues to be 100% the opposite of a romantic comedy

    She's supposed to be the poor daughter of a kennel master. Her skinniness isn't meant to be sexy, and should read more like hungry. I imagine that's why it was shot that way.

    And he was the only guy with the balls to stand when the dragons came out to play.

    100% part of the joke :)

    The dude upvotes all of his own posts. He lost on technicality anyway

    It was like Rome-bodia - no! The Thai-berian peninsula!

    I think they were channeling Burma (get it, channeling? Like HBO is a channel)

    As the only human being with any kind of power that understands Dragonglass, I think he's too essential to kill at this point. Not unless GRRM intends the While Walkers to be a full on Biblical Flood

    So Mother of Dragons is now going to be Wife of Slaveowner Guy? How is this going to help at all? I don't see the endgame there.

    Is there anyone in Westeros (apart from his gf & John, maybe) who thinks of him as anything else though?

    Stannis figured out the obsidian knives!! I couldn't figure out how that knowledge was going to get anywhere or be used, considering how it's a teency bit important knowing they're the only thing that'll kill a Walker and until tonight The Fat Librarian was the only guy who knew the knives existed.

    My wife watched 50 Shades of Gray this weekend. She did not appreciate my suggestion that Christian Gray and Ramsey Bolton were the same character

    The wife watched 50 Shades of Gray over the weekend. She didn't appreciate it when I said Ramsey Bolton is the same character as Christian Gray.

    I only read the first 3 books (sorry) but always thought she was supposed to be a villain. Mostly due to incompetence and arrogance and not just straight bad intentions, but still