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    I'm a newbie and I feel like they're beating me over the head with it, if that answers your question.

    Me, forever

    Tywin was sorely missed this episode. I can't believe Margery hasn't supplied Tommen with a good older-brother-type advisor, though. Missed opportunity.

    The haircuttiest Lannister is coming for her

    And I'm pretty sure there is a clause that excludes smokedemonbabies, as they are not permanent fixtures in the Castle.

    He totally lashed out though, once he figured out what was happening

    Because of the editing I was sold on it in the moment, but looking back at it, a bunch of monks snuck up on him and he had no idea what was going on until they grabbed him?

    Why don't they carry any kind of sidearm like a shortsword? Even call of duty gives you a secondary weapon.

    What I can't figure out is why Tommen was the one who had to go down there, by himself, to negotiate with a leader of religious fanatics? Does Tommen have no one he can look to for help? Does Margery really not have any "friends" or family who would be sophisticated enough to handle this?

    Would a LAME bug be able to lead a talk show band??? I think not.

    I only beat Oblivion when I got to 101% chameleon and could hit demons in the face with an axe and see them look around thinking "what was that? Where did that come from?" and never hit back.

    Yes, a lot of people abort at 5 months. That's actually the first opportunity you get to do amniotic testing for down's and other defects, so a lot of abortions hit right around that time.

    Are you a fan of Chinatown? Or Annie Hall?

    I'm in the Western Approach! Maybe everybody's too parched to speak up, or they're mad at me for getting my shit rocked by that High Dragon.

    Inquisitor! I'll be spending some part of this weekend figuring out how far along I am in my first playthrough (not far) and trying to trigger banter between my extremely stoic companions. Why is everybody so damn quiet in this game? I get just enough of Sera's verbal torture of Vivienne and Cassandra to keep me

    Is it because nothing moves due to your terrible fps?

    Are you SURE you're stuck in the Hinterlands? As soon as you have like 8 or 9 power, leave and go to Storm Coast or someplace else. You'll come back plenty, but you won't feel stuck.

    Killing off all the good characters is a good way to kill the fun of the game. I can't imagine trying to play through the Deep Roads without Zevran and Leliana trading murder tips.

    Too many perfect lines in that movie. Warning! Danger to Manifold!

    I didn't recognize Claire at all this season.