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    Amy Adams crushed it in Talladega Nights

    I know nothing about it, I will just assume it yells "FUCK YOU, GUY" and takes a little salt shit whenever some Breitbart troll downvotes one of my comments

    I believe the writers said those songs were chosen to deliberately take people out of the illusion that this was a real world. The 4th-wall effect was intentional.

    The tux was a decidedly modern, tight fit. Compared to his MiB garb, it's narrower in the shoulders & waist, has softer construction that make his shoulders seem weaker, and tighter across the back to highlight how SHREDDED Ed Harris is.

    I've never played a Battlefield before (I did spend a day on the Battlefront beta), but my hoplessness at multiplayer FPS has been totally OK. The these-are-for-bad-aim-people classes are still really fun, and on my first night I landed in the top 10 by following better players around and throwing a LOT of first aid

    I am excited to play Skyrim now that NexusMods has a somewhat managable list of available stuff.

    For the most part you're right, it's just a minor graphics update. They restructured the game's engine, too. The old game would get unstable with 20+ people on screen (because 32 bit) but now it could potentially handle up to 1,000 (64 bit).

    I'm still waiting for a sequel to The Unbelievables

    We're talking about a sequel to a game that gave you an achievement for kidnapping a woman, hogtying her, putting her on a set of traintracks, and watching her get run over by a train.

    Why subvert genre tropes when you can mainline them?

    I honestly can't think of a single one. Closest I can get is Deadwood. How far is it from North Dakota to Italy?

    The A.V. Club

    I'm so confused on how to read Martinez and his son. I thought he was furious with the kid, and transferred him out of Search Bloc because he couldn't tolerate his failure at the roadblock. When he said "you might as well put your own gun to your head" I thought he was being openly cruel and telling him how much of an

    The Republicans are gonna get their trumpuppence this year, you'll see.

    The ham-handed way they handle Smith's absence is one of my favorite scenes, though. The line is so expositiony it's hilarious - it's something like "I am so sorry your father, Will Smith, died in that tragic test pilot accident years ago. It's great that you are now a pilot and have followed in his footsteps. He

    We got some foreshadowing about that when Jon told Sansa to take the Lord's Chambers in that early scene, and I got the feeling that he wanted to put Sansa up as Queen in the North. That said, there were real concerns about his mandate to rule, and it was touch and go before The True Queen of the North called all

    Remember the huge UFO sighting over LA last year? It was a missile test but damn, it looked the part.

    The Desperate Housewife matriarch in this show is taxing my suspension of disbelief. She looks like she spends 4 hours a day doing yoga and talking about her most recent cleanse.

    I had a lot of boyfriends who liked to look at other women. So I ripped their faces off. I'd always feel bad about it after, and nurse them back to health.

    Big witch contest, she in first place