Potemkin City Limits - Propagandhi
I haven’t been this mad at Cousins since Grandpa died without a will.
That is an extremely well looped gif!
I feel like they could get the same job done for far less money by giving a few college kids some good weed?
Fair enough. Opinions are like poaching chicken. Nobody should do it.
I liked how the old look gave me music maps and weather on the same screen
This all seems super edgy and cool. I’ve written an amazing review of the full film. I wrote it in a notebook in a pictographic code and keep it in a lockbox buried in the woods. You should read it!
One quibble: A*** C*** was the pinnacle of that unfortunate trend.
Yeah... to be honest it’s not the consuming of fat that shows on people. It’s the consuming of carbs that the body instantly converts into fat because we are all insulin resistant. Obviously, fats to excess are bad as well, but if you can cut carbs you can still lose weight and be healthier with a normal amount of…
To quote better musicians than I:
Madison is overall #1 for plain old drunk. They were trying for the trifecta of fat, drunk and stupid but lost out to other Wisconsin schools.
That’s a palmier and it doesn’t look anything even remotely like an elephant ear which looks like a puffy fried tortilla.
As someone with a slightly different spelling of a common name, I sympathize.
I slipped a raw potato from the fridge into his stocking
And I thought the Juke was on us