
See also: Cheddar Melt

Fight you? No way, we are a tag team now.

So OP.

You have to create an account.


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Full disclosure is awesome. Cashout is a banger of an album opener, too. As far as individual songs go, Furniture is my fave. It honestly can’t be played loud enough.

For me it’s either End Hits or The Argument, but it is really close.

So this information thoroughly invalidates all of my research into the existence of the monoscuit?!!!! My life is now meaningless. Thanks, Twitter.

Picked up Final Fantasy XV from the Playstation store for $15 the other day. I am enjoying it so far. Not my favorite Final Fantasy by any means, but I’ll  keep playing it.

The Earthbound/Mother games are pretty great, humor-wise.

Now playing

They Might Me Be Giants wrote a song by watching the Aerosmith/Run-DMC video. It’s perfect.

I like this idea. Please call the authorities.

Polar also has an orange vanilla creamsicle flavor, that is pretty great.

I’d try chocolate pudding flavored water.

My local brewpub does this with their beer (first pour only, though) every Sunday. Free if the temp. is below zero.

Nice to see Panopticon on this list. Every one of Lund’s albums is a winner. He is also the head brewer at Hammerheart Brewing, in Blaine, MN. It’s a little place, heavy on the Nordic vibe, always playing some great metal, They specialize in beers brewed with Alder smoked malts. It’s a He’s really great at brewing, in

I bought Dead Cells last weekend. It is so good. I imagine it will eat up a large chunk of my weekend (again).

Are you really gonna try and tell me that Big Mouth is better than Legion?